Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Hero As A Hero - 1009 Words
I could never fully understand what the title hero represents. It is very confusing thinking about a definition of the word hero. Growing up I had a lot of heroes. My favorites heroes changed as I was growing older. As a kid, Superman was my favorite hero. He could fly, stop bullets, he had laser eyes, and see through walls. It was exciting. When I grow older, John McClane was my hero. He will stop terrorist all by himself, risking everything that he got just to save the people he cares about. It was confusing for me when someone said â€Å"you are a hero†to a soldier, a firefighter, or policeman. I didn’t understand then why they are called heroes. I asked my dad and he explained to me that there are different types of heroes. There are†¦show more content†¦That is all true about Columbus and what he did was bad, but he was the one who created the bridge between the old world and the new world. He led four voyages across an uncharted ocean in wooden sailing s hips. (Myint) In the selection from â€Å"Bodega Dreams†by Ernesto Quinones, there are two heroes, Tapia and Sapo. Tapia is the professor who inspires the students and everyone likes him. He reached the student s hearts and minds. He tried to protect them from what Mr. Blessington was telling them. He explained them not to listen to him and if they work hard, they can succeed in life. He also showed courage when he told Sapo how to get away from Juvie. He stepped up to protect the student. Sapo, on the other side, was represented as a neutral person. When the argument started with Mr. Blessington, Sapo showed courage and stand up for himself and the students. After Mr. Blessington put him in a headlock and start going after Blanka, Sapo jumped and bit peace of his throat. (Quinones) Sapo and Tapia are totally different people, but they both expressed heroic actions. In the â€Å"Crazy Courage†by Alma Luz Villanueva, Michael shows a great courage by dressing as a woman in school. B ut, he stood up for what he believes and what he feels, knowing that he will be judged by the other. That is a heroic act. (Villanueva) In the essay â€Å"The Train from Hate†by John Hope Franklin, we see another heroic act from his mother. First, she broke the law by boarding the white people coach.Show MoreRelatedThe Hero As A Hero1529 Words  | 7 PagesWhen the term â€Å"Hero†is brought up, many people will have a different definition of it. According to website, the real definition of a ‘hero’ is â€Å"a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character; and a person who, in the opinion of others, has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal.†Nowadays, the word â€Å"hero†can be associated with literally anyone. Heroism can be associated such as famous people, fictional charactersRead MoreA Hero As A Hero767 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent people who ha ve influenced me to do the precise thing and have made a tremendous impact on my life and where I am at today. A hero can be interpreted in a variety of unalike ways and by a various amount of people, but the single and most important person who I consider to be a hero to myself would be my grandfather, Theodore Brown. My grandfather was not only a hero to me, but an inspiration. To start, my grandfather taught me to be brave and to face my fears which have already come into playRead MoreThe Hero Of A Hero907 Words  | 4 Pagesexemplifying a hero developed into something everyone longed to do. This ambition remains today. However, obtaining a hero-like persona constitutes much more than saving a cat from a tree or helping an elderly woman cross the street. A hero not only affects the direct person in need of help, but the many around as well. In order to have the classification of a hero, one must adopt a courageous, determined, selfless, and inspiring attitude while also attaining an opportunity to show heroism. A hero must manifestRead MoreA Hero As A Hero889 Words  | 4 Pages Anyone can be a hero, even you! A hero does not have to be someone with powers or a costume. A hero is someone or something that you can look up to or admire. All heroes are not perfect, and they can make mistakes as would a regular human. There is a difference though because heroes have the enormous responsibility. They are always being signaled, and they are always expected to do the right thing. Heroes are many times forced to test their character which leads them to realize their potentialRead More: A Hero Is A Hero1414 Words  | 6 PagesPeople define the word â€Å"hero†differently. Some see them as a dragon slayer that has been tormenting the hero’s village, or someone who sneaks into a booby-trapped cave trying to retrieve a precious stone while simultaneously trying to stay alive. Others see them as someone that flies over their home city saving a baby from a bunch of armed burglars , fighting them with laser vision. Merriam Webster defines it as a â€Å"mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strengthRead MoreThe Hero Of A Hero926 Words  | 4 PagesThe ancient Greeks had strict and strong values on what it meant to be a hero in their society. Individuals who wanted to be seen as a hero had to follow this standard in order to become and be seen as a hero. Being a skilled warrior was not the only requirement, one had to respect authorizes, both governmental and religious. This code even goes on to state that hero’s mind must not be prideful and arrogant. These men had to be modest and humble. Honor of course also played an important role in theRead MoreA Hero As A Hero1010 Words  | 5 Pagessuperhero movies, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and the list goes on. When the word hero comes to mind, one often thinks about someone with super heat vision. Someone with the ability to fly. someone who has super strength or someone who stops the villain and saves the day. Sometimes, if the hero if super enough, they win the girl too. However, why does a superhero have to have supernatural abilities to be considered a hero? Why can’t they simply be someone who puts the need of others before their ownRead MoreIs It A Hero Or Hero?954 Words  | 4 PagesMost martyrs unfortunately didn’t decide to become a hero or heroine because of an ability or skills set as a public speaker, leader / negotiator or activist, solely to encounter injustice, inequality or racism. Most martyrs probably contemplated and agonize long and hard over their role and involvement in movements, protest and rallies, struggled with the weight of understanding and finally submitting to their destiny. The anguish of destiny: realizing the target they might become, agonizing overRead MoreHero Essay : A Hero Is A True Hero805 Words  | 4 PagesReeve states, â€Å"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the stren gth to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.†In other words, a hero is a everyday person that has the courage, bravery, and strength to overcome any challenge they are going through or as a challenge to help someone no matter what it takes. Even though there could be many struggles, a hero has to endure the strength to do anything to help in any way they can. Many people think they know what a hero is, but do theyRead MoreA Hero : The Characteristics Of A Hero820 Words  | 4 Pagesa firefighter and policemen can be a hero. Firefighters and policemen are strong and courageous. They risk their lives just to save and protect an everyday stranger. That is what a hero does. Being a hero does not require having super strength or need to read minds, but being a hero does require certain qualities that make a hero. One of those qualities is being a leader and also being courageous. Since leadership and courage are two necessary traits of a hero, heroes are usually not weak but strong
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