Sunday, January 19, 2020
Love is Like Water Essay
Love is Like Water, We can Fall in it, We can Drown in it, But we can’t Live Without it Men are born inferior to women. Now I’m Sure there are many men who disagree, however it is a scientific fact. Any person born with the ‘y’ chromosome is born inferior. The conflicting views of men and women have been questioned and debated for centuries. For many years it is said that the male species are superior to women. It wasn’t until August 18, 1940 men deemed women smart enough to vote and have our own political voice. Men have always been the dominant species in most anything in society. It wasn’t until recent studies that show women actually have higher IQ’s then men. It is believed that juggling family life and building a career on top of that has made women smarter. In reality Women and men brains are just wired differently. Men differ from women with their emotions, their affection and also their communication skills. Women are said to be more emotional than men The fact of the matter women do actually communicate with through emotions and intimacy. Research shows that women use language as a way to maintain and develop relationships. Women tend to react more emotionally than men, resulting in submerging themselves, (mind body and soul) into making decisions. For example, women often ask there signficant other â€Å"are you listening†and the man replies â€Å"yes honey I’m listening†and then we reply â€Å"what did I just say†It’s because women feed off of body language. We believe that if your not looking at us, youre not listening. Men see women as less competent to making decisions that involve a lot of thought, and this is due to women’s emotions. Which is probably why a women have never been elected to be president. Women are just more emotional when it comes to, Movies, relationships, and everyday life trials and tribulations. Women use words to start and continue a relationship with a person they find special and close to their heart. They focus more on what they say and do when conversing, which explains why they also find listening an important part in a conversation. Those are the causes that affect women more then men. The difference of emotion is mostly noticed during the midst of a relationship, when a woman seems to not be understood by men and vice versa. Men on the other hand impulsively react to situations for the sake of having a reason to do so. Men tend to simplify their communication in times of hardship, they do not ex press themselves they way women do. Many women believe that men are very simple minded with no knowledge of anything, and don’t care about anything. In reality most men can communicate and their patterns for thinking are based on logic and reasoning. Men communicate as a way of power rather than as a way of reaching out to another person. For men, conversation is the way you negotiate your status in the world and keep people from pushing you around. They use their communication skills to preserve their independence. Men tend to think that it is logical to state how important their lives are so that they would rise above other men and be seen as the â€Å"Alpha Male†. During a conversation, body language seems to play a much smaller role for men. Men tend to be less skilled at using body language to influence communication without seeming to be doing so. The male’s brain has a greater mass and more gray matter, which leads to a higher ability to process information as facts instead of their emotions like women. Women show affection in a lot of ways. Women show their affection by physical touch, holding hands, giving hugs, or rubbing our significant others back. Some women do it by saying nice things. Some do it by giving gifts. Other women may show their affection by cooking you tasty dinners. There are a lot of ways to show affection, and no two women show it in exactly the same way. â€Å"Actions speak louder than words†is actually more than a clichà ©, it’s truer of men than it is for women in regard to how they show affection. men are more likely to show affection in unspoken ways through actions. There is less subtlety with men. When a guy cares about you, he is likely to find ways to spend time with you, whether enjoying your company or sharing activities such as movies, bowling, miniature golf etc. When a man cares about a women he wants to show her off. studies show that, even if a man is not particularly confident, he will try to engage in physical intimacy with the one he loves and cares deeply about. Women relationships focus on making connections talk is crucial to this process. Sharing secrets, relating experiences, revealing problems and discussing options are essential during a woman’s development. Women generally take another approach to relationships. Their mate is not less profound, it’s just different. focusing on activities rather than conversation. Men believe communication should have a crystal clear purpose. Every conversation is suppose be problem solving or a point that needs to be made. Communication is used to get to the root of the an issue as efficiently as possible. Women uses communication to discover how she is feeling and what it is she wants to say. She sees conversation as an act of sharing and an opportunity to increase intimacy with her partner. A women tries to dispose negative feelings to strengthen her bond with the man she loves. Although there are many diffrences between men and women. For the most part, men and women use, and prefer, the same ways of comforting their partner.
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