Wednesday, August 26, 2020
College: A Sound Investment Essay
Cost is consistently about misfortune. Whenever we consider opportunity cost, we consider what misfortunes an open door brings us. One of the most suffering â€Å"opportunities†people get is instruction. Society is inundated in messages about the advantages of training, yet shouldn't something be said about the expenses? Any significant choice ought to include a sound money saving advantage examination. Do the advantages exceed the expenses? This is the essential inquiry of choice makingâ€of speculation. Is school worth the venture? With regards to this inquiry, I would initially require a gauge of the expense of school. To begin with, I would count the fundamental, clear expenses. Educational cost, books, food and lodging, travel costs (for workers): every one of these parts would deducts from my accounts. Assume these costs mean about fifteen thousand dollars for every year. Presently, in the event that I deducted around 5,000 dollars for grant, I would be left with a net obligation of ten thousand dollars for each year. Toward the finish of my school understanding, the cost of school would associate with forty thousand dollars, right? Incorrectâ€I have neglected to consider the â€Å"hidden†expenses of school. Specifically, I have not aken into account the wages I have lost since I decided to be in the study hall instead of in the workforce. With a secondary school training, I may have expected a vocation that pays maybe fifteen thousand dollars every year. Four years of this compensation would leave me with a gross benefit of sixty thousand dollars. Thus, what is my general expense of school now?†¦ 100,000 dollars. What was I thinking? For one, I was imagining that without an advanced education I could have anticipated that my wages should ascend by all things considered 5,000 dollars, on the off chance that I was being liberal. No headway in my nowledge or ranges of abilities would have compared with no activity development openings and therefore no noteworthy pay development. In this manner, shy of winning the lottery, my wages would remain moderately stale. I was additionally feeling that with a professional education as my support, I would have the influence to situate myself into a section level occupation that would pay at the extremely least twenty-thousand to twenty-5,000 dollars. Further, I was believing that passage level positions lead to progression. Passage level positions lead to circumstance. With a time of solid ork ethic, I have a decent possibility of splitting the forty to fifty thousand dollar boundary, if not more. With only two years of such a pay, I would make up for the one hundred thousand dollar venture I made to guarantee my profession. I was feeling that I would much rather resign with a total assets of in the several thousands instead of the possibility of a retirement where the number 100,000 is still as mysterious and slippery as that triumphant lottery number. Generally significant, I was believing that I would readily pay the â€Å"opportunity cost†today to understand the â€Å"opportunity†â€for myself and for my future familyâ€tomorrow.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Decrease childhood obesity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Decline youth corpulence - Research Paper Example Shockingly, the investigation has it that youngster stoutness can prompt discouragement and poor confidence. Factually, as per US’s branch of wellbeing, there is an emotional increment in number of youngsters experiencing weight. Extensively, it is noticed that right around 10% of kids matured four and five are overweight, and the above number is twofold to that of twenty years prior. The exploration contends that heftiness is a sexual orientation related turmoil where, young ladies are the ones who endure corpulence more contrasted with young men. It is concurred that youth stoutness is a disturbing issue that needs prompt activity. Accordingly, to diminish youth corpulence, it is appropriate for all schools in the US to fuse serving of mixed greens bars into the children’s lunch program. In this manner, those kids will have the option to get to new vegetables and organic products, which thusly will create more beneficial life from long dietary patterns (Linsley, Kane, and Owen, 2011.p.81). This paper strategically outlines the approach suggestions for stoutness in kids, heftiness guidelines program and the US government laws, presumptions and appropriate auxiliary proposals to make reference to however a couple, all uniting to the youth corpulence issue. ... In spite of the fact that the move may appear to be little, the size of the example gathered for the investigation makes it huge. Remarkably it is amazing to understand that every percent expressed above focuses for right around 26,700 in the populace study, which are either incredibly corpulent or not, at this point large. Coercively, the Obama’s organization including in the battle for stoutness in youngsters shows the seriousness of the infection among the US kids who live in destitution. First woman Obama Michele has enthusiastically battled the annihilation of destitution through her message including more beneficial eating regimen as well as physical exercises. As per ongoing examination, it is appropriate to take note of that the new patterns in stoutness levels show an unassuming advancement of anticipation of heftiness in small kids. The above investigation is appropriate for the ramifications of wellbeing dangers for extraordinary stoutness and weight in little young sters. Along these lines, the above entry diagrams the significance of handling heftiness in youngsters by the US government. It is obvious that weight can somewhat influence the youthful US age undesired ailments that were as far as anyone knows to be for grown-ups. Strategy Recommendations for youth weight Controlling and forestalling youth corpulence requires a multifaceted and wide projects arranged by the networks just as detailing of approaches where parent will play an imperative or basic jobs. Appropriately one of the significant components that can control stoutness includes the guardians. Here, the children’s practices are influenced by the dietary patterns of the guardians, level of instruction just as physical training. As indicated by the investigation, it is noticed that guardians are good examples and they impact to some broaden the physical
Critically evaulate the view that international organisations and Essay
Fundamentally evaulate the view that worldwide associations and worldwide administration frameworks are undemocratic - Essay Example In reality, it is a lot of conceivable to see that worldwide establishments, for example, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO) do assume a functioning job in the administration, political and financial association of numerous nations from around the globe. Critically, the issue of deficiency of popular government essentially emerges from the way that while the country states are in any event hypothetically responsible to the national common society, the global organizations are responsible to none. All the country states don't employ equivalent force in a considerable lot of the transnational foundations. Besides, in the event that we take a gander at the inward structure and influence balance inside, the vast majority of the worldwide establishments are tilting towards the rich nations of the Global South. Worldwide Institutions, Global Governance and Lack of Global Democracy The creation of quickened globalization was portrayed by the mov e of administration from the national to the worldwide. The country state is by and large progressively tested by the powers of globalization. At present, the popular government is exclusively communicated through national governments and their establishments. At the end of the day, the national parliament is the main dwelling place of vote based system. Be that as it may, the ascent of worldwide associations has prompted their developing grasp on the national economies, governmental issues and arrangements. It is followed the ascent of unapproachable powers of neoliberal free enterprise which successfully outperform any thought of national and famous sway. It has prompted a sort of worldwide tip top union as there exists no world parliament. In any case, the nonappearance of world parliament doesn't consequently deciphered as the nonattendance of worldwide power. Worldwide sway surely exists as the united and thought intensity of worldwide market powers and their organizations. It is fundamentally a direct result of this absence of popular government inside, the gatherings of global money and exchange organizations pull in colossal obstruction from activists and political gatherings from around the globe. The democratic rights in a significant organization such global money related store depends on corresponding vote wherein ‘one nation, one vote’ standard isn't followed. Despite what might be expected, nations get their democratic rights dependent on their financial offer in the establishment. The United States specifically and the West all in all are likewise ready to apply disproportional impact in the dynamic bodes of IMF and World Bank. One of the serious issues with global administration associations is that they don't legitimately draw their authenticity structure any famous sources. At the end of the day, the authenticity of the worldwide establishments is exclusively relied on their capacity to mediate and act definitively in specific ci rcumstances and spots. In spite of the fact that, there is a great deal of chat on the rise of a worldwide common society which could adequately counter the absence of vote based system in worldwide administration organizations, nothing yet has emerged. On the other hand, the supposed worldwide common society itself is transcendently commanded by numerous Non Governmental Organizations which are responsible not to the individuals yet to the subsidizing offices. In the topic of straightforwardness as well, the status of worldwide transnational associations isn't altogether different from the worldwide fund or political establishments. Here, the very absence of portrayal of the voice of the creating
Friday, August 21, 2020
The likely implications of a large country engaging in loose monetary Essay
The feasible ramifications of a huge nation participating in free financial approach for trade rates - Essay Example The national banks of the economies assume a critical job in the financial frameworks for recommending the fiscal arrangements in the particular countries. The monetary specialists are thusly checked by the administrations of various countries (Gerlach and Wensheng, 2004). So as to effectively exchange the worldwide economies, the nations in the cutting edge economies utilize the buying power equality conditions to break down the general worth of various monetary standards in an economy. Swapping scale is the cutting edge language utilized by the contemporary economies to pass judgment on the terms of exchange states of country. This article will show how the fiscal specialists of enormous economies in the cutting edge world have changed or slackened their economies so as to modify their trade rates as per the market and support a positive estimation of their terms of exchange the since quite a while ago run (Keohane, 2013). Circumstance Analysis Exchange Rate Issues Exchange rates a re the rate that characterizes the estimation of the money of a nation as far as the estimation of the cash of another nation. Trade rates are either estimated in ostensible or are estimated in genuine terms. In genuine terms, it is the proportion of the total value level in the outside economy to the estimation of the total value level in the home money. ... Then again, the products and enterprises accessible in the outside business sectors will in general become costly to the nation. In such circumstances, the fares of the nation become less expensive regarding an incentive than the imports. The nation would interest for less outside trade (lesser imports) and has an abundance flexibly of the remote trade (higher fares). This would in this manner actuate the cost of the estimation of the conversion scale (flexibly > request) in the market to fall. A fall in the swapping scale would really suggest the fall in the estimation of money of a country as far as the cash of another nation. In this manner in the advanced world, money related specialists continually attempt to control and keep the trade rates reasonable to the financial condition of the particular countries (GBM, 2013). Macroeconomic Imbalances The nations in the contemporary world are found to have macroeconomic lopsidedness conditions. The causes behind the irregular charact eristics have been related with both the inside and outer issues of economies. In certain countries like Netherlands, the economy is confronting high excess in the present record however the family obligation of the nation is expanding at a fast rate. Also, the property bubble (ascend in the land costs) in the economies of Spain, U.S., Ireland and so on have brought about the elevating of the degree of government obligation and emergency in the economy. Since 2009, the worldwide money related emergency in the economies of the western world has made a trickledown impact in the less evolved economies on the planet like India, Brazil and so on. As after the rise of globalization and progression, economies in the contemporary world have gotten trapped with one another. In this way, the macroeconomic irregular characteristics as
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
APA Format for Interview Citations
APA Format for Interview Citations August 07, 2019 10000 Hours/Getty Images More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers In This Article Table of Contents Expand How to Cite an Interview How to Note the Type of Interview When to Use an Interview Before You Do an Interview The reference list of an APA format paper contains a list of published sources that can be located by readers. While much of your research may come from books, professional journals, newspapers, and online databases, sometimes you may find yourself needing to cite information that you gather from other sources, including interviews. So how should writers handle the sourcing of personal interviews? If you use information or quotations that were taken from an interview with a source, you need to cite the source, how the information was collected, and when the interview was conducted. Because these interviews are not something that can be located by a reader in any published source or searchable database, they should not be included in your reference section. When you include details gathered from a personal interview in an academic or professional paper, you should cite the information parenthetically in the main body of your text in a format similar to that of other in-text citations. How to Cite an Interview There are some basic rules you should follow for an APA interview citation: Include the last name and first initial of the intervieweeInclude the date the interview took placeNote indicating the type of interview Here is the basic structure you should use: (Last Name, First Initial, Type of interview, Date of interview) An example of how this would look in the body of your paper: “Drug use among teens can be attributed to the increased availability of the substance.†(R. Heathfield, personal communication, May 9, 2019). If, however, you include the name of the interview subject in-text to introduce or paraphrase a quote, you do not need to list the source’s name again parenthetically. For example: R. Heathfield suggested that the change in drug use among teens could be attributed to the increased availability of the substance (personal communication, May 9, 2019). Basic Rules for APA Format How to Note the Type of Interview The APA offers some guidelines for how to handle different types of interviews: Personal interviews: Whether your interview was conducted in person or via text or telephone, you should cite the information as a ‘personal communication.’ Emails: Because emails are not retrievable by other readers, the APA considers these as personal communications. They should be cited only in-text just as other interview sources and should not be included in your reference list.Class lectures: Like emails, information taken from a class lecture, guest lecture, or group discussion cannot be accessed by other readers, so it should be cited as personal communication.Research interviews: If you are interviewing a research subject, you will need to preserve the participant’s anonymity for ethical reasons. When referring to a specific participant, whether by summarizing their results or directly quoting their comments, you should be careful to avoid providing any identifying information. You might simply state that the individual is a participant or you might refer to them by n on-identifying letters or nicknames (i.e. Student A, Participant B, etc.). When to Use an Interview There are a number of reasons why you might want to conduct an interview to gather information for your paper. Some reasons you might want to use an interview: You have further questions that you want to ask an expert or researcher The written information on a topic is scantAn expert is able to offer specific insights that you cannot find elsewhere Before You Do an Interview There are some things that you should consider before you reach out to an expert for an interview. First and foremost, do not interview someone about the information that is easily available in published sources. You are responsible for conducting your own background research on a topic. Once you have done a thorough literature review and it becomes clear that there are knowledge gaps in the information that is publicly available, then consider reaching out to an expert for additional insight. Next, you should always approach the interview subject respectfully. Be observant of their time constraintsBe willing to conduct the interview on the subject’s scheduleConduct the interview in the manner that best suits the subject’s needs, whether it is by phone, interview, or textHave your questions prepared in advanceSend a follow-up note or email thanking them for their time A Word From Verywell While APA format dictates that you should not include unpublished interview sources in your reference list, you should cite these sources in the text of your paper. By doing so, you help ensure that your readers have a better understanding of where the information came. These citations also help readers better appreciate the special insights that these sources add to your arguments. Examples of APA Format
Saturday, June 27, 2020
In Person College Consultations
In Person College Consultations May 31 Are biscuits worth the price of admission to your dream college? Likely not. If you want to be served biscuits during in-person consultations, were certain you can find a mediocre, local college consultant. Or you can work with the worlds leading college consultant, Ivy Coach, where we will not serve you biscuits. Parents sometimes ask us if we can meet with them (and their children) in person. The short answer is that we generally just dont do this and the reason for that is that its not a great use of time for any of us. Do we do it on occasion? Yes. We occasionally meet with students in New York, Los Angeles, or Miami. But would it surprise you to know that we have not met the vast majority of our students over this past decade face-to-face? Occasionally, a student admitted to Columbia will stop by our New York office during their freshman year to meet us and say thank you or theyll drive down from Caltech to meet us in LA. But we work almost exclusively via Skype, phone, and email. How does a face-to-face meeting aid in essay revisions? It wont! If you want to know what we look like, Skype with us! Many of our clients ask to Skype with us first but then for every subsequent conversation, they prefer phone calls because they no longer need to go to the trouble of signing on to Skype to see us when an easy phone call will do just fine! It kind of says it all. And of course, we exchange many, many emails with students and parents once theyre our clients. We are a 21st century business. Working via Skype, phone, and email is our model. If youd prefer to work with a local college counselor in your area, thats fine. Do it. Meet face-to-face with this counselor. Maybe theyll pour you tea and give you biscuits. But those biscuits arent going to help your child get into a highly selective college. Why choose a regional, self-proclaimed expert when you can work with the worlds leading college consultancy, Ivy Coach? Its certainly your call but are biscuits really worth the price of admission to your dream school(s)? Likely not. But we imagine the biscuits are tasty! If youre a student in India, we can work with you. If youre a student in China, we can work with you. If youre a student in Texas, we can work with you. If youre a student in Ethiopia, we can work with you. If youre a student in the United Arab Emirates, we can work with you. If youre a student in Arkansas, we can work with you. Are you beginning to get the idea? We imagine so!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Difference Between a Commonwealth and a State
Have you ever wondered why some states have the word commonwealth in their name? Some people believe there is a distinction between states and states that are also commonwealths but this is a misconception. When used in reference to one of the fifty states there is no difference between a commonwealth and a state. There are four states which are officially known as commonwealths: Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts. The word appears in their full state name and in documents like the state constitution. Some places, like Puerto Rico, are also referred to as a Commonwealth, where the term means a location that is voluntarily united with the U.S. Why Are Some States Commonwealths? To Locke, Hobbes, and other 17th-century writers, the term commonwealth meant an organized political community, what we today call a state. Officially Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts are all commonwealths. This means that their full state names are actually The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and so on. When Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts became part of the United States, they merely took the old form of state in their title. Each of these states was also a former British Colony. After the Revolutionary War, having Commonwealth in the state name was a sign that the former colony was now ruled by a collection of its citizens. Vermont and Delaware both use the term commonwealth and state interchangeably in their constitutions. The Commonwealth of Virginia will also sometimes use the term State in an official capacity. This is why there is both a Virginia State University and a Virginia Commonwealth University. Much of the confusion surrounding the term commonwealth probably comes from the fact that a commonwealth has a different meaning when its not applied to a state. Today, Commonwealth also means a political unit having local autonomy but voluntarily united with the United States. While the US has many territories there are only two commonwealths; Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, a group of 22 islands in the Western Pacific ocean. Americans who travel between the continental U.S. and its commonwealths do not need a passport. However, if you have a layover that stops in any other nation, you will be asked for a passport even if you do not leave the airport. Differences Between Puerto Rico and the States While residents of Puerto Rico are American citizens they have no voting representatives in Congress or the Senate. They are also not allowed to vote in the Presidential elections. While Puerto Ricans do not have to pay income tax they do pay many other taxes. Which means that, like the residents of Washington D.C., many Puerto Ricans feel they suffer from taxation without representation because while they do send representatives to both Houses, their reps cannot vote. Puerto Rico is also not eligible for federal budget money allocated to the States. There is much debate around whether Puerto Rico should become a state or not.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Comedy in Romeo and Juliet - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 447 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/03/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Romeo and Juliet Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? Many people see Romeo and Juliet as a tragedy, but how often is such comedy in a tragedy? The play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare in 1589 is about two young teenagers who fall in love and wind up killing themselves over their love for each other. The play consists of both romantic scenes along with the tragedies which ignites the argument of whether Romeo and Juliet is a romance or tragedy. The play is a romance. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Comedy in Romeo and Juliet" essay for you Create order To back that up, they fall in love at first sight, the reason for all the tragedies is driven by love, and the play can be thought to have a happy ending. The second Romeo lays eyes on Juliet at the Capulet party, he instantly has his eyes locked on her and is overwhelmed with her beauty. He goes on to illustrate her beauty in great detail. Romeo has fallen in love. The thought of Rosaline instantaneously leaves his mind, which makes it seem that he was never genuinely in love with Rosaline. Romeo was solely focused on Juliet. Shakespeare portrays very distinctly that Romeo and Juliet first fell in love based on looks and later on during the balcony scene, fell more in love with each other’s personality and heart. Most of the tragedies that occur in the play are driven by the love of Romeo and Juliet. For example, Lady Montague, Romeo’s mother, would not have passed away of grief if Romeo had never fallen in love with Juliet. He ended up killing himself because of his love for Juliet, which Mayer 2led to Lady Montagues death. The reason for Tybalt and Mercutios death was caused because of Romeo’s appearance at the Capulet party. If Romeo had not spotted Juliet, he would have left the party hopelessly and would not have been seen by Tybalt. Conclusion The ending of the play, to most people, is what makes this a tragedy, but there is a different way to look at it. Romeo and Juliet killed themselves because of love. They had such a longing to be together, and to them this was the only option. They were at such a young age and felt that no one could ever truly understand how deeply their love was. Romeo and Juliet will forever be with each other in heaven. To sum it up, Romeo and Juliet is a play circled around romance. At a young age, they fell in love and went through numerous obstacles to try and be together. They showed the audience that love at first sight is real, but can lead to devastating things. The romance in the story is what created the tragedy.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Hero As A Hero - 1009 Words
I could never fully understand what the title hero represents. It is very confusing thinking about a definition of the word hero. Growing up I had a lot of heroes. My favorites heroes changed as I was growing older. As a kid, Superman was my favorite hero. He could fly, stop bullets, he had laser eyes, and see through walls. It was exciting. When I grow older, John McClane was my hero. He will stop terrorist all by himself, risking everything that he got just to save the people he cares about. It was confusing for me when someone said â€Å"you are a hero†to a soldier, a firefighter, or policeman. I didn’t understand then why they are called heroes. I asked my dad and he explained to me that there are different types of heroes. There are†¦show more content†¦That is all true about Columbus and what he did was bad, but he was the one who created the bridge between the old world and the new world. He led four voyages across an uncharted ocean in wooden sailing s hips. (Myint) In the selection from â€Å"Bodega Dreams†by Ernesto Quinones, there are two heroes, Tapia and Sapo. Tapia is the professor who inspires the students and everyone likes him. He reached the student s hearts and minds. He tried to protect them from what Mr. Blessington was telling them. He explained them not to listen to him and if they work hard, they can succeed in life. He also showed courage when he told Sapo how to get away from Juvie. He stepped up to protect the student. Sapo, on the other side, was represented as a neutral person. When the argument started with Mr. Blessington, Sapo showed courage and stand up for himself and the students. After Mr. Blessington put him in a headlock and start going after Blanka, Sapo jumped and bit peace of his throat. (Quinones) Sapo and Tapia are totally different people, but they both expressed heroic actions. In the â€Å"Crazy Courage†by Alma Luz Villanueva, Michael shows a great courage by dressing as a woman in school. B ut, he stood up for what he believes and what he feels, knowing that he will be judged by the other. That is a heroic act. (Villanueva) In the essay â€Å"The Train from Hate†by John Hope Franklin, we see another heroic act from his mother. First, she broke the law by boarding the white people coach.Show MoreRelatedThe Hero As A Hero1529 Words  | 7 PagesWhen the term â€Å"Hero†is brought up, many people will have a different definition of it. According to website, the real definition of a ‘hero’ is â€Å"a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character; and a person who, in the opinion of others, has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal.†Nowadays, the word â€Å"hero†can be associated with literally anyone. Heroism can be associated such as famous people, fictional charactersRead MoreA Hero As A Hero767 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent people who ha ve influenced me to do the precise thing and have made a tremendous impact on my life and where I am at today. A hero can be interpreted in a variety of unalike ways and by a various amount of people, but the single and most important person who I consider to be a hero to myself would be my grandfather, Theodore Brown. My grandfather was not only a hero to me, but an inspiration. To start, my grandfather taught me to be brave and to face my fears which have already come into playRead MoreThe Hero Of A Hero907 Words  | 4 Pagesexemplifying a hero developed into something everyone longed to do. This ambition remains today. However, obtaining a hero-like persona constitutes much more than saving a cat from a tree or helping an elderly woman cross the street. A hero not only affects the direct person in need of help, but the many around as well. In order to have the classification of a hero, one must adopt a courageous, determined, selfless, and inspiring attitude while also attaining an opportunity to show heroism. A hero must manifestRead MoreA Hero As A Hero889 Words  | 4 Pages Anyone can be a hero, even you! A hero does not have to be someone with powers or a costume. A hero is someone or something that you can look up to or admire. All heroes are not perfect, and they can make mistakes as would a regular human. There is a difference though because heroes have the enormous responsibility. They are always being signaled, and they are always expected to do the right thing. Heroes are many times forced to test their character which leads them to realize their potentialRead More: A Hero Is A Hero1414 Words  | 6 PagesPeople define the word â€Å"hero†differently. Some see them as a dragon slayer that has been tormenting the hero’s village, or someone who sneaks into a booby-trapped cave trying to retrieve a precious stone while simultaneously trying to stay alive. Others see them as someone that flies over their home city saving a baby from a bunch of armed burglars , fighting them with laser vision. Merriam Webster defines it as a â€Å"mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strengthRead MoreThe Hero Of A Hero926 Words  | 4 PagesThe ancient Greeks had strict and strong values on what it meant to be a hero in their society. Individuals who wanted to be seen as a hero had to follow this standard in order to become and be seen as a hero. Being a skilled warrior was not the only requirement, one had to respect authorizes, both governmental and religious. This code even goes on to state that hero’s mind must not be prideful and arrogant. These men had to be modest and humble. Honor of course also played an important role in theRead MoreA Hero As A Hero1010 Words  | 5 Pagessuperhero movies, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and the list goes on. When the word hero comes to mind, one often thinks about someone with super heat vision. Someone with the ability to fly. someone who has super strength or someone who stops the villain and saves the day. Sometimes, if the hero if super enough, they win the girl too. However, why does a superhero have to have supernatural abilities to be considered a hero? Why can’t they simply be someone who puts the need of others before their ownRead MoreIs It A Hero Or Hero?954 Words  | 4 PagesMost martyrs unfortunately didn’t decide to become a hero or heroine because of an ability or skills set as a public speaker, leader / negotiator or activist, solely to encounter injustice, inequality or racism. Most martyrs probably contemplated and agonize long and hard over their role and involvement in movements, protest and rallies, struggled with the weight of understanding and finally submitting to their destiny. The anguish of destiny: realizing the target they might become, agonizing overRead MoreHero Essay : A Hero Is A True Hero805 Words  | 4 PagesReeve states, â€Å"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the stren gth to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.†In other words, a hero is a everyday person that has the courage, bravery, and strength to overcome any challenge they are going through or as a challenge to help someone no matter what it takes. Even though there could be many struggles, a hero has to endure the strength to do anything to help in any way they can. Many people think they know what a hero is, but do theyRead MoreA Hero : The Characteristics Of A Hero820 Words  | 4 Pagesa firefighter and policemen can be a hero. Firefighters and policemen are strong and courageous. They risk their lives just to save and protect an everyday stranger. That is what a hero does. Being a hero does not require having super strength or need to read minds, but being a hero does require certain qualities that make a hero. One of those qualities is being a leader and also being courageous. Since leadership and courage are two necessary traits of a hero, heroes are usually not weak but strong
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Trafficking Is Today s Version Of Slavery - 873 Words
We Are People Human trafficking is today’s version of slavery. Victims are forced into labor, prostitution, and other exploitations. In 2007 three brothers conspired together to trafficked women from Mexico to New York, Queens. The brothers threatened, assaulted, and psychologically coerced the young women and minors into prostitution. These men were committed to sex trafficking that one of the brothers, Victor Leonel Estrada- Tepal, forced his wife, who was only seventeen at the time, into their sex trafficking trade. The brothers did not tell the women the real truth of why they were taking them to the United States. In January 2014 the three brothers were arrested and in 2015 they plead guilty to sex trafficking through the use of force, fraud, and coercion of the young women. The brothers are facing a minimum of fifteen years in prison to a life sentence in prison. According to HSI Special Agent-in-Charge Hayes, â€Å"These men preyed on innocent women, luring them into t he United States under false pretenses and then cruelly enslaving them to satisfy their own greed in a ruthless prostitution scheme†(â€Å"Justice News†). These men are only one example of human traffickers. Human trafficking is a globally wide problem and countries are not working together to end this issue. Society should focus on achieving international human rights and promote an internal standard of laws against human trafficking. Although Utilitarians argue we should maximize happiness of the majority byShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking2466 Words  | 10 PagesCombating Human Trafficking Over the past several years, human trafficking has become a sizable world-wide problem. Human Trafficking has had a considerable affect on the World and United States. To combat this, several laws and initiatives have been enacted. While this allows for some headway in combating this problem, there are still several things that we can do to help. This review of literature on Human Trafficking focuses on these areas and provides the information on the steps thatRead MoreThe Importance Of Securing Us Borders : Combat Transnational Crime3334 Words  | 14 PagesKeiser University â€Æ' Abstract This research paper is intended to argue that effectively and efficiently securing the United States borders will ultimately help disrupt and dismantle transnational criminals to include: narcotics traffickers, human traffickers, Human, weapons, and bulk cash smuggling, and prevent terrorists and their weapons from entering the country and wreaking havoc. These transnational crimes are extremely profitable and are in no means going to stop unless enforced at the UnitedRead MoreHuman Rights And The Right Of Humanity And Eradicate Human Abuses1903 Words  | 8 PagesAbstract Human rights organization, groups or institutions work to protect the right of humanity and eradicate human rights abuses. Some of these institutions, groups or organization are specific to the type, nature and extent of the human rights law, they deal with, while others tackle issues relating to the whole. The latter is usually a very active group as human rights in many ways are affected by the whole process of globalization and capitalism. It is true that the most effect human rights agentsRead MoreHuman/sex trafficking in Amsterdam1901 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"We thought slavery was a thing of the past. We haven’t been paying attention†(Atlanta Hosts Passion 2012). There is trafficking all around the world, whether society likes it or not, several kinds such as trafficking in drugs, other supplies and even trafficking in people. Human and sex trafficking has been known to use many women and children, who are then victimized for this cruel fate for over hundreds and even over thousands of years. â€Å"The transnational sex trafficking of women and childrenRead MoreHuman Rights And Non Government Related Essay1964 Words  | 8 Pages Abstract Human rights organization, groups or institutions work to protect the right of human and eradicate human rights abuses. Some of these institutions, groups or organization are specific to the type, nature and extent of the human rights law they deal with, while others, tackle issues relating to the whole. The latter is usually very active group as human rights in many ways are affected by the whole process of globalization and capitalism. It is true that the most effect human rights agentsRead MoreThe Split Of The Yoruba Ethnic Group2363 Words  | 10 Pagesmatter, the word Yoruba was nothing short of pure Greek to no less than 99% of the people now called Yorubas, when they first heard it being used for them as a common name. The peoples of southwestern Nigeria, the Benin Republic, and Togo who are today referred to by scholars as the Yoruba were, until the late 19th century, organized into a series of some 15 to 20 independent polities, linked by shifting patterns of allegiance and competition.†(Waterman, 369) Present-day Nigeria, Benin, and TogoRead MoreThe Relation Between Prostitution and Human Trafficking Essay2236 Words  | 9 Pagesrights. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all human beings are born free and equal. These rights apply to everyone throughout the world regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or age. 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It enables the analysis of the definition of their existence and gives them a medium to work upon their planning of developments. Social sciences give space to a large number of political ideologies that frame the convolutions of the human mind. They help in the formation of the laws of the social behavior, conduct and interaction of people with one another. Political ideologies imbed in people the attributes of a doctrine which reflects their own perceptions and abstracts their ownRead MoreRacism in America3527 Words  | 15 Pagesin America. Key Words: racism, discrimination, affirmative action, diversity, equal rights, culture Racism in America The issues of racism still exist in America today due to the different perceptions from different races. Regardless, of the conscious intent of the American public, everyone is somewhat conditioned, affected or infected daily by racism. Racism is when one group assumes superiority over other groups
Problems Faced by Women in the 1880s Free Essays
During the 1880s, many women faced difficulties because of gender issues. Because of this, females were sometimes described as weak, emotional, and overreacting. As well, it was believed that they did not match the same qualifications as with men in certain work fields. We will write a custom essay sample on Problems Faced by Women in the 1880s or any similar topic only for you Order Now Women who were hired as hired girls back in the 1880s had little control over their earnings. They also believed that their employer would take care of them and would not hurt them. But due to the disadvantages that they had and what they believed in, the employers often took these weaknesses for granted and benefited from them. These women often faced the danger of sexual harassment by their male employer and/or by other brutal men because of their weaknesses such as: they could not disrespect their bosses and they did not have the strength to fight back. Women, at that time, did not have much opportunity to pursue a higher education, which caused a lack of qualified female workers during the 1880s. Most of the women were hired as servants, farmers, or factory workers. In contrast, married women took care of their families and served their husbands. Indeed, women had faced many difficulties since that time because of their gender disadvantages. My Antonia showed many situations that girls were often used as tools by the people in their work fields. Moreover, women workers back in the 1880s did not have the same amount of wages as men did even when they performed the same duties. The women who had jobs did not have the chance to enjoy their earnings because they had to send it to their families in order to help with the family expenses. They had to keep very little for their own living. The same was true with the married women who became housewives just to serve their husbands while raising and taking care of their children because their earnings also went to their husbands and children. In My Antonia, Antonia was taken advantage of by Ambrosch because he took her wages and Antonia could not do anything about it because he was her boss. Lena also did not have the authority over her wages because she had to provide the financial support to her family. Neither of the girls had control over their earnings, and had no power to spend the earnings for their own needs. Among all of the risks that women had faced during the 1880s, the most challenging was sexual harassment. This easily occurred because women were physically weak to resist the advances of their bosses, coworkers, or even husbands. Women back in the 1880s can be simply raped and sexually harassed at all places including the farm, factory, or even at home. The sexual harassments often resulted in favoring the suspects, and blaming the victims for their â€Å"misconducts†that had caused the unlucky event. For example, in My Antonia, Antonia almost became a rape victim when she was approached by her boss, Mr. Cutter, who was going to sexually abuse her. And in another case, Antonia was fired due to her â€Å"misconducts†while dancing and parting, which attracted the men in the parties. These showed that there were really aspects that were against womens’ behavior and social order. Willa Cather compared the condition of being raped as being â€Å"ruined. †Comparing the working conditions and social issues that were addressed in the 1880s to the present, there are changes but it had not been completely solved. Nowadays, we have more legal documentary that protects women against hostility from unnecessary forces. Nevertheless, it is still common that women are viewed to be weak and sexual harassment issues still appears to be common. Also, gender discrimination still exists today. How to cite Problems Faced by Women in the 1880s, Papers
Olivia Peguero Art and Paintings Its Symbolism and Meanings Essay Example For Students
Olivia Peguero Art and Paintings: Its Symbolism and Meanings Essay Upsurge only produces a few pieces each year, some taking months to complete, She is often seen in images, flanked by her assistant or with only her easel and set of oils, Spending weeks at a time in the countryside, she has gained a direct relationship with the people and farmers that live and work the landscape she mints But look closer at her art and it will reveal a tropical vision that looks past the spectacular colors and into the heart of the country, its people and the issues they face. Since Mrs.. Upsurge completed her first group of stunning flowers, each has shown the stages of life from birth to adolescence, adulthood to aged and finally death. But in 2007 her use Of symbolism became very pronounced in the work named La Montanan Smaller De Squeaky or The Emerald Hills of Squeaky. The work was commissioned to be a visualization Of the poem With the same name. In the painting there are many symbols and imagery that deal With the social and environmental issues that Mrs.. Upsurge sees While working in the countryside. Here are a few items that are notable in the work of art: 1. The Cocoa pod which is a prominent feature in the work was painted as it is naturally and was not given a luster of beauty but was given a patina of age ready to fall. Meaning: During the time the work was completed, world chocolate prices rode to an all-time high. Even with the high prices many farmers expressed a fear for their security and could not harvest much of the crop due o armed bandits stealing cocoa from the plantations, 2, garbed wire around the Cocoa tree: Signifies how the majority tooth tatters live in poor conditions without the hope of making a better life for their family, while the European chocolate producers continue to make profits without reinvesting into the local population. 3. Unlike many pristine mountainsides in the Dominican Republic Mrs.. Upsurge chose to paint much of it stripped of its natural trees. Meaning: The stripped land along the mountainside is showing the need for preservation due to the clearing and destruction of the rain forest for farming. 4. The small cocoa pod bud, the adolescent cocoa pod and the aged pod once again show the stages of life. As can be seen in the referenced painting, Mrs.. Upsurge is very interested in supporting social issues. She is the founder Of the Upsurge Art Libido Foundations and the Art Books for Education Project that focuses on art education for young Dominican children in rural areas. She is also a part Of the Marinara Cocoa Preserve. A private preservation initiative owned and run by the Upsurge family that combines sustainable organic cocoa farming practices and forest management with the protection of wildlife and nature. The countryside thin the preserve was a primary subject for many of her paintings.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Accounting and ERP
Question: Discuss about the Accounting and ERP. Answer: Introduction Due to increasing frauds and failure of management and auditors to keep up with the trust of public, it has become a requirement to bring some sort of regulation which makes them more responsible. SOX and ERP are related. This can be easily proved. The Sarbanes Oxley Act puts more emphasis on internal control over financial accounting to ensure integrity of the financial statements and protect the assets of the company. The enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business process management softwarethat binds the function of a business enterprise, so that all or any information can be used whenever required. Therefore, ERP plays a very vital role in internal control management of a business. But there are few cases where application of ERP has not been successful; there may be any reason behind it. We will look further in all the matters mentions in the above paragraph in the below project. Popularity of ERP software and adoption by medium to small companies Innovative and simplified ERP software are making it very convenient for medium to large companies to very easily switch from manual and off the shelf accounting to advanced ERP packages. There are various reasons because of which the use of the ERP packages is increasing day by day. Organisations already spend a lot of monies on accounting and finance. Once an investment made in proper ERP software according to the use of company, will give the organisation long term benefits. This software can easily account for transactions automatically without creating a burden to put in manual entries. Not only automation of data entry, but also an EPR package will help the organisation to have data from different departments to integrate. It helps in pooling of data in one place, which can be processes further and use accordingly. Integration of information will help us analyse all the flaws and positive attribute of our work (Fryling, 2010). Good ERP software is very secure. No one can easily have access to important data. It helps to maintain a hierarchy, without whose approval information cannot be obtained. One of the best reasons why ERPs use is increasing is that, it can be customised according to one need. People can add features in this software according to their requirement (Evan, 2014). ERP has resulted to improve the performances of many business organisations. It not only is convenient for employees but it also help business to serve their customers is a more efficient manner. If an organisation has various branches and offices spread all over the globe, EPR can easily integrate data from all these places of businesses. Also, ERPs can be customised in various languages too. It also increases the flow of communication within an organisation. ERP helps an organisation to improve its productivity. It allows a business organisation to move its product faster, increase the processing speed, create invoices and automatically reconcile data. It is not an easy task to implement ERP. It requires a lot of time to fully implement ERP in huge companies. ERP helps to streamline the operations of the business by data integration and refining processes that is needed to manage within an organisation (Fryling, 2010). Which industries are the biggest users if any? Why ERP software is used by manufacturing, retail, finance, government, service, etc, all the industries present use ERP. The complexities of running a business are increasing day by day. Requirement to various statutes, laws, etc are becoming very demanding day by day. So in order to reduce the load some of work of processing data, industries are using application of ERP. If we see, we will observe that all the industries are using ERP, but the industry which has made the most of the applications of ERP is manufacturing industry. Manufacturing industry has a lot of processes involved in their work. They need to account for raw material movement, sales, wastage, administrative expenses, etc. ERP is a comprehensive system that provides with the best support for industries involving multi processes. In the current aggressive business environment it is very important to be prepared for a huge and competitive market. In this situation where the whole global market is a risk, the small and me dium businesses are in a fix. They have to face various challenges day to day, like, customer requirements, mandatory compliance of laws, effective supplier management, costs control, creating market for new customers to grow their business, etc. ERP offers a solution to enable the manufacturers to compete in whatever situation prevails in the market (Siraj et. al, 2011). Application of ERP in manufacturing industry transforms the whole face of supply chain management, raw material movement, managing finance, coping with the customers etc. The major benefits obtained from application of ERP in manufacturing industry are that it helps in minimization of manufacturing costs and increases resource utilisation, reduction of constraints in production, on time delivery of goods, transparency in operational control, etc. The ERP of manufacturing industry should be designed in such a way that it helps them to excel in all processes (Gill, 2011). With the help of transparent operational poli cy and support for various manufacturing processes, it would become very easy to carry out the business transactions. ERP helps to provide this industry with reduced costs, improves customer service, improved customer satisfaction, increase in profitability margins, new streams to generate revenue and many other advantages. Sarbanes Oxley Act and implications The Sarbanes Oxley Act, 2002 was introduced in 2002; it is also known as Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act. This legislation was a reaction to major corporate and accounting scandals like Enron, Tyco International, Worldcom, etc. Such scandals eroded the wealth of the investors and shook the confidence. The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 is a United States Federal Law that is passed as an answer to various scandals like Enron and Worldcom. A unique Quasi-public authority was developed by the act, the public company accounting oversight board for watching, regulating, inspecting maintaining discipline in the accounting firms in their roles as auditors of public companies (Manoharan, 2011). This act pertains to issues like as auditor independence, corporate governance and enhanced financial disclosure. The vital provisions of SOX contain creation of a board which looks after application of SOX. It also developed a need that is evaluated by the public companies ev aluate and reveal the action of the internal control, as they are very much related to financial accounting and also that the independent auditors of such companies adheres to such disclosure. Certification of financial reports by chief executive officers and chief financial officers is an essential need of the SOX. The independence of the auditor is the main criteria. It is an essential need that a listed company have fully independent audit committees. The major thing is that there is a bar on the personal loans to any executive director or officer. It leads to a strong for reporting in an accelerated manner based on insider trading (Heeler, 2009). SOX have led to insider prohibition during pension fund blackout periods and disclosure for the same. Introduction of SOX has lead increment in the criminal, as well as civil penalties for breaking the rules of the securities law, along with sentences to jail and larger fines for executives who influences the financial statements. Sarbo x also leads to employee protection allowing those corporate fraud whistle blowers who report such activities to higher authorities ( Garfield Edelglass, 2011). MySAP ERP meets the implications The financial reporting processes of various organisations are influenced by IT systems. There are hardly any companies which manage their data manually, most of the companies now a days depend on electronic management of data, documents and key operational processes. The chief information officers of these organisations depends on the security, accuracy and reliability of the systems used. Enterprise Resource Programme is strongly imbedded in the process of initializing, processing and reporting of data that is financial in nature. The SOX and IT department work in a systematic way. The internal control report made by the management is required to be attested by the auditor and then filed to the higher authority. Most of the companies now a days maintain their accounts in a computer information system (Mulbert, 2010). The internal control systems of these are different from that of manual systems. The management should properly evaluate if the internal control systems related to ERP are adequate or not. In ERP the five factors as per the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations (COSO) framework are to be ensured. The components of internal control framework as defined by COSO framework include control environment, risk assessment, control activities information communication and monitoring (Gill, 2011). MySAP ERP is created based on the existing practices of the industry which meets and supports the needs of a company from automatic processes to compliance of laws to create a transparent control environment. It helps the companies to apply industry standards, internal controls which help them to carry on with the work more easily. It is requirement of SOX that the companies be faster, punctual, precise and transparent in their accounting practices and financial reporting. It also has an in built audit information system which facilitates the work of internal and external auditors and helps them with structured audit reviews. The system of MySAP ERP has preconfigured sets of reports and activities which assist the auditors to check if the company has made all compliances and helps them to find out gaps in reporting. The feature of MySAP ERP helps the internal and external auditors to perform their relevant audit checks in an arranged manner. Success and Failure of ERP implementations and reasons ERP system is the major system that reaches into all area of a business and its processes. ERP helps us to integrate all functions and departments across the whole of organisation into a single computer system which aims to provide assistance as per everyones need. It helps us to simplify the exchange of data and also facilitates the communication among all the departments and functions. Each process works independently, performing specific data processing functions (Weistroffer et. al, 2010). When an ERP is implemented in a successful manner, it binds all the areas of a company containing other management, marketing, finance, production and distribution with suppliers who are external and clients into a strong integrated system which provides shared data and transparency (Fowler, 2010). The potential benefits of ERP include drastic decrease in raw material costs, working capital, and information regarding the needs of a customer, along with the ability of an enterprise to forecast a nd accordingly arrange supplies, capital and other resources. The experts on information technology think that the failure of the application of ERP occurs more than they are expected to. Failure in application of ERP software is irrespective of size of the business, sector of industry, ownership, etc. The cost of these failures is billions of dollars every year (Grant et. al, 2006). One of the most successful application of ERP was at NESTLE, whose headquarters are at Switzerland. With the start of 21st century Nestle wanted to make use of its huge business and wanted to act like one. It thought that it required a system which could handle its scale of operations. For this, they got into a contract of $200million with SAP to make them an ERP system which could be used by 230,000 employees across 80 countries around the world. Over and above the amount of $200 million, Nestle also committed to pay $80 million for consulting, maintenance and upgrades (Fowler, 2010). The executives of the company realised that they required standardizing its business processes if it wanted to exist in the current completive market. It was estimated that it would take three years for the whole application of this software. After the application, though there were obstacles in the path, in 2002 one of the branches of Nestle claimed to have saved over $325 million. The major areas whe re the savings were noticed were in the supply chain movements, demand forecasting. Similarly in June 2000, one of the most famous brands of the worlds, NIKE reported a loss of $400 million in its newly implemented supply and demand software planning system. The company incorrectly ordered of certain kind of shoes whose demand did not exist much in the market, because of which there were huge inventory problems and overdue deliveries. Because of which $100 million were lost in sales and also the stock prices fell for almost 20%. The major causes for failure of this system were that the software was too slow. It failed to integrate properly with the processes of the organisation. It had various bugs and also the staffs were not provided with appropriate training (Porter, 2008). The major statistical reason behind the failure of this implementation was that the software did not fit the business model of NIKE. Later the company fixed the technical errors. It also discontinued the use of manual means on short and medium range planning. It moved the planning functions in to SAP, which shifted the focus from algorithms to transactions and lead to simplified integration of requirements. This lead to 8% increase in revenue because of leaner supply chain, less inventory and reduction of lead time. Conclusion Application of ERP in an organisation is not a childs play. It requires patience, definite business goals, re-engineering processes and practice to get a successful impletion of ERP. Also, the trending increase in fraud and failure of the management to report the true financial status of the company requires successful application of Sarbanes Oxley Act. Both the ERP and SOX can work together and provide an integrated platform to successful compliances by companies. If an organization wants to curtail risk and have a stronger grasp of the market then it needs ERP and SOX that aids in bringing a strong result. From the above discussion it is clear that ERP is the need of the hour and it benefits the users. In short, it aids in decision making process and lead to elimination of risk (Brain Marakas, 2009). Moreover, SOX has been a major landmark in the creating a strong governance that aims to provide clarity and transparency. It keeps the risks at bay. For an organization to perform ef fectively, it is essential that both SOX and ERP must be operated together. References Evan, F 2014, The 5 Ws of Information Security, viewed 27 May 2016, Fryling, M 2010, Estimating the impact of enterprise resource planning project management decisions on post-implementation maintenance costs: a case study using simulation modeling, Enterprise Information Systems, vol.4, no. 4, pp. 391421. Gill, R 2011, The rise of two-tier ERP, Strategic Finance, vol. 93, no. 5, pp.35-40 Grant, D; Richard H; Nick W Christopher W 2006, The false promise of technological determinism: the case of enterprise resource planning systems, New Technology, Work Employment, vol. 21, no.1, pp. 215 Fowler, M 2010, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Addison Wesley. Garfield, L. Edelglass, W 2011, The Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy, Oxford University Press. Heeler, D 2009, Audit Principles, Risk Assessment Effective Reporting, Pearson Press. Manoharan, T.N 2011, Financial Statement Fraud and Corporate Governance, The George Washington University. Manoharan, T.N. 2011, Financial Statement Fraud and Corporate Governance, The George Washington University. Mulbert, P.O 2010, Corporate Governance of Banks after the Financial Crisis Theory, Evidence and Reforms, European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), 1-40 Brien, J and Marakas, G 2009, Management Information Systems, McGraw-Hill. Porter, M 2008, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors, Free Press Siraj, S., Mikhailov, L. and Keane, J. A 2011, Priests: an interactive decision support tool to estimate priorities from pairwise comparison judgments, International Transactions in Operational Research, vol. 12, no.4, pp. 45-61 Weistroffer, H.R, Smith, C.H and Narula, SC 2010, Multiple criteria decision support software, Springer: Oxford University Press.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Sample Comparison Essay Topics
Sample Comparison Essay TopicsThere are hundreds of sample comparison essay topics available on the Internet. It's the most convenient way to search for the best sample assignment and learn how to write a good and suitable essay. The majority of these samples are free or only cost a couple of dollars, depending on the size of the sample and its purpose.Sample essay topics are similar to notes from the student's school. They help the student prepare for his or her final year assessment or admissions test. Many other students are searching for their first college essays, while others will be choosing a career after their studies. Having a few sample topics in hand is a great way to gather information about the sample assignment.Sample essay topics are written by instructors or professors. These individuals are assigned to take the students to the next level of academic achievements. This assignment gives students a chance to improve their writing skills, improve their reading and compr ehension skills, develop a better vocabulary, find out what would appeal to their audience, be creative, and get all kinds of information out of the topic. The format of the essay is also different depending on the type of students being tested. So, it is important that the essay is written in such a way that it will be accepted by the faculty member or teacher.It can be difficult to choose the right subject matter for the assignment. It is best to use an essay topic or topics which may interest students. These sample essay topics are written by the senior students in the college, and they are approved by the college.There are hundreds of sample comparison essay topics. Some are in newspaper style, but the most common are on a blog. These blog sites allow the students to earn points by giving out tips and knowledge. These topics are chosen because students will be submitting their essays to the web, in which blogs are commonly read by millions of people at any given time.The assignm ent can be easy or complicated, depending on the students' talent and skill. The student must learn to hone his or her writing skills, or the school will not accept the essay and thus lose the opportunity of learning and growing as a writer. These courses help the students understand the skills they need to master for completing this project, so that they will have an effective writing ability and an appealing essay.The most important thing about sample comparison essay topics is that they come with helpful tips that students can use when writing an essay. That is why they are used by students who have no formal education in writing, but would want to hone their writing skills.
Monday, March 30, 2020
The Ancient City Of Pompeii Is Best Known For Being Covered By An Erup
The ancient city of Pompeii is best known for being covered by an erupting volcano and being almost forgotten. From the time the city was rediscovered in the 1700s scientists and archeologists have managed to piece together evidence to show not just how people died but how they lived. We now know that before the eruption of Mt Vesuvius on August 24 79 AD Pompeii was a resort town. From the remains of Pompeii scholars have deducted the socioeconomic, religious and political life of Pompeii's last inhabitants. Pompeii was a city where women declared themselves the equal of men. Women could own land, operate businesses, be priestesses and were often educated. Despite these equalities Pompeiian women were still mostly owned by men and from birth knew their position. New born boys were placed at the father's feet while newborn girls were given straight to the nurse. Most girls were bought up by their mothers at home learning weaving and other domestic skills. Upper-class girls however were taught to read and write either at school or at home by slave tutors. It was believed by some that educated women made better wives and mothers. Literacy amongst the upper class (both women and men) was a symbol of status and respect. One of the most famous Pompeiian artifacts the fresco of the merchant Terentius Neo and his wife, depicts her holding a wax tablet and a stylus. Girls were considered grown up by the age of 14 when marriages were usually arranged by their family with the objective of uniting good families. At this time a woman would leave her father's ownership and become the property of her husband. As many women as possible were kept married and bearing children. Women were expected to be married by the age of 20 and it was law to remarry after the death of ones husband. As at this time in Roman history there were fewer females than males so women could marry and remarry with ease. A woman's major role was to be a good wife and mother. Motherhood was considered the esteemed occupation. In Pompeii women often entered into a business partnership with their husbands. They were allowed to keep profits themselves. It was common for a widow to take over her husband's business. Wives of traders and craftsmen often ran the front of the shop while their husbands made the products or dealt with other aspects of the business. Women could own property and could decide how to administer it. Julia Felix is an example of an independent woman who inherited a large fortune in her own right. Tablets found at Herculaneum (a smaller city destroyed by the same eruption) show that women could buy sell and lease but were not allowed to become bankers. Women in Pompeii worked in, owned and operated many of the taverns, inns and bars, which often served as brothels a topic I will cover later. (more detail) Archeologists have uncovered written evidence recording the role of women in the medical profession. These women's status was recognised by law and their fees were regulated. Many women worked in this profession as midwives, physicians and doctors. Records have also been found mentioning husband and wife medical teams. As Pompeii had a large foreign trade it is not suprising that women from the East came to Pompeii selling luxury items such as dyes, perfumes, clothes and food stuffs. Lower class women also worked in the trades. Some worked independently sewing and mending garments, while others worked as bakery assistants or in the fulling mills. However the status of these women was low like their pay rate. Like in most places female slaves existed in Pompeii. These women performed a wide range of tasks depending on the owner's needs. Apart from household duties some of these slave women operated as nannies or wet nurses while others managed their owner's businesses or worked as labourers. Wealthy women had their own personal attendants which was another duty of these slaves. Eumachia was Pompeii's most prominent woman . She came from a wealthy and respected family and rose to hold a position of unusual importance as a priestess. She was also patroness of the fuller's guild (cleaners, dyers and clothing makers).
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Marketing plan for Unilever Company
Marketing plan for Unilever Company Purpose of the plan The purpose of this marketing plan will be to evaluate the existing retail market strategy for Unilever Company and compare it to the rivals’ strategies. The marketing plan will also be designed after investigating the current trends and developments existing in the retail sector.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Marketing plan for Unilever Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Situational Analysis Target market (of current products) The company products prices are easily affordable to all classes of customers since the company uses a value pricing strategy across all the regions where its branches are found. In terms of the products offered, the company boasts of a multi-brand system where the brand names are known by their positive reputation of being high quality products and thus easier to reach a higher market pool than the rivals(Jones 2002). Distribution network The company ha s a well established distribution network in the more than a 100 countries where the company has invested in. This is very helpful since it helps the customers in accessing company products. Competition The completion Unilever company is facing shall be analyzed in the porters 5 keys of competition (Porter 1988) The Threat from New Entrants: (Low) The products offered by Unilever such as the food and personal care require high capital investment to penetrate the market in relation to the established distribution channels which enables to compete effectively. With the company having branches in more than 100 countries and its ability to design its products according to the customers’ needs, reduces any notable threat from new market entrants. Threat of Substitutes (High) With the emphasis on health eating being at its prime, consumers have been turning to other alternatives such as low carbohydrate and calorie diets as a result making the substitutes threat very high. Bargaini ng Power of Suppliers (Low) This has been low due to the fact that Unilever has a very big and well known business unit, which cannot be forced to change (or influenced in any way in their decision making) by other suppliers.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bargaining Powers of Suppliers (High) The customers, especially those who live in the European Union region, keep on demanding new products and improved features and also diversity in the product prices offered. As a result, the company has been forced to develop new products such as the slimming products. Competition (High) The company faces high competition from companies such as the Novartis, Nestle and DANONE (Neff 2010). As a result, this has forced the company to restructure its program which was aimed at cutting the old portfolio of 1600 brands down to the major 400 core brands. The above rivals are producing similar products to what Unilever and hence the high competition. Financial conditions The company enjoys vast investments almost in every corner of the world as a result currently the financial conditions for Unilever can be described as stable External forces Political The company operates literally everywhere in the world both in the developed and the less developed economies where political situations are stable and chances of market interference by governments of the countries are very minimal thus they cannot control how Unilever markets its products. To reduce chances of political interference, the company uses its experience and goodwill to make contacts in many countries bargaining with the governments so as to modify the regulations and as a result, Unilever has gained political ground using its tactical strategy and experience helping in creation of favourable business environment and increasing their market share in the long run. Economic With the European coun tries under the umbrella of the European Union using one currency (the Euro), the whole of the European market has been transformed to a single market as a result this has led to an increased market for the company products. The single currency has also played a big role in stabilizing the inflation rates within the region and as a result Unilever Company enjoys stable prices throughout the region.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Marketing plan for Unilever Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Technological The firm’s intention is not only to maximize wealth but also anticipates the aspirations of its consumers in order for them to respond creatively and competitively. As other firms automate their systems Unilever has not been left behind and of late the company has been putting much effort on research and development and also launching of modified products so as to satisfy all the stakeholders (Ide a Connection ND). This works well with ensuring the customers are aware of what content the products they buy from Unilever have thus creating reassurance that if the qualities of the good are overlooked, they can always contact the company offices and raise their issues. Summary of situational analysis (SWOT Table) Strengths Leads in most of the food products it offers in the market products such as soups, tea, and cream. Leads in producing and supplying frozen food products in Europe. Leads in producing and selling multiple brands. Possesses the art of producing customer made products that suit their customers completely. Observation and adherence to customers’ needs and desires. The company enjoys good diversity of nationalities as the company has invested almost everywhere in the world. The large range of the products ensures that the customers remain flocking all year out. The company’s liquid tablets for laundry purposes as well as fabric soft eners prevent lime scale when used in stem irons and this has been a major strong point. Increasing market share in the Latin America region, Africa and the Middle East regions. Weaknesses Slump demand from the American region. Company products: the frozen foods, prestige perfume and other household care have been underperforming way below the set targets. The lagging divisions have been affecting the sales growth for the Unilever 400 leading brands. Declining market share for the slim products as people become more health sensitive. Threats from other rivals such as Marks Spencer and Sainsbury (Emmo Dave 2007) Opportunities With consumers changing tastes, the company can change their market segments to a more health-conscious group especially women who can afford to buy the products. Opportunities for market development in the developing countries. They are also high penetrating opportunities in the Latin America region. Adoption of new technologies will aid in easier financial and customer management(IBM 2006) Threats Stiff competition from other rivals in the industry especially the DANONE, Marks and Spencer and also from Sainsbury. Consumer loss of confidence and trust in Unilever products. Many prefer reduced fats and exercises (Unilever 2011). The retailers (subsidiaries) don’t stock enough products (Clarke 2011) Segmentation, targeting, positioning Segmentation refers to the process of dividing a heterogeneous market and breaking it into smaller homogenous segments where members of a certain group correspond to certain needs. Targeting on the other hand is the identifiable group at which a company such as Unilever directs its efforts towards satisfying the clients (Wedel Kamakura 2000). Strategies have thus been developed for each target market by combining the four elements of marketing to make a successful market mix. The company has been targeting households for home care products as well as health sen sitive individuals. Positioning is usually determined in order for the customers to know where the product stands in relation to other rival products. Unilever has positioned themselves as foods and personal care producers with the company positioning itself as a high quality and pocket friendly products producing company. Marketing Strategy Corporate objectives To regain and control the market leadership for the next decade. Regain the stockholder as well as consumer confidence. To make the management more internationalized. Marketing Objectives To create sustainable profitable growth and value for shareholders by increasing the profits by 5% To boost the sales and the margins through a growth strategy by 7.5% To increase spending on advertising the 300 out of 400 core products by allocating marketing budget of 5000 million pounds To increase the market share and maintain leadership in the company’s core product by ensuring and creating customer loyalty and producing prod ucts which meet specific customers in the market. Financial Objectives Increase Unilever marketing funding by 50% over the next two financial years. Increase Unilever capital funding by 5% in next year’s budget and at least 5% each year after that. Societal Objectives To improve the society perception of our products To provide more healthy products in order to maintain our loyal customers To sponsors games and other sporting events in order to closer to our customers and know they feel about our products. Programs The company products touch the lives of many people throughout the world. In nutrition themes, Unilever has of late been recognized on helping their shoppers make a strong choice by enhancing the dietary quality of their products, through intensifying the consumer choice and offering vivid information to their customers.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The efforts have been witnessed in the past such as the introduction of the Nutrition Enhancement Program introduced in 2005 which has enhanced the company achieve the internationally accepted guidelines for nutrition content such as fats, salts and sugar content. With the Food and Agriculture Organization predicting increased populations of undernourished people, the company has in response introduced products which check into malnutrition problems for example the Rama/Blue Band which contains vitamins A and D and the Annapurna salt which is iodized reducing goitre related problems. Target market Marketing touches every aspect of an entrepreneur’s business operation. It is usually a series of activities designed to identify what the customers really want or are looking for in your good or service. The company will target both the middle and the lower classes by offering the products at low prices (Kleiner Adams 2003). Product Product is a bundle of benefits being delivered to meet the needs of our customers (Tronstad 1995). Product policies are concerned with what Unilever should do in their new product and brand development. Branding is part of the actual product and is usually an important issue when considering the product strategy. Branding is usually used to give company products unique identities and helps the marketer to differentiate their product from those of competitors (Rosenzweig 2000). Unilever will use this branding strategy because its name is already established worldwide. The launch costs of new products will be low and the brand loyal customers are likely to try the branded new products. Promotion Promotion entails all the tools we shall use in order to communicate with our customers. They include advertising, sales promotions, direct marketing and public relations among others. In all these, there exist two promotion strategies: the pull or the push strategy (Nitschke ND). Unilever will use the pull strategy whereby the company wil l promote its products to the final customers by encouraging them to buy. As a result, the consumers will be encouraged to demand the products from their intermediaries. Distribution Place simply refers to the means through which our product will reach the consumer (Kotler 2000). It involves the distribution activities which are necessary in getting a product to a customer. With the established distribution centres, Unilever will seek to introduce smaller branches within the countries where the company has introduced subsidiaries as well as introducing new market openings in new areas. Pricing Price is usually the amount our customers will be willing to pay in order to access our product this value comes along (Ellickson Misra 2006). In today’s market place, Unilever will continue using the high quality low price strategy to ensure that the company retains its market share. Financial plan (Determining) The marketing budget Projected costs, revenues and sales forecasts ite m Cost in US Dollars Material costs 2500000 labor costs 6500000 overhead costs 5200000 Advertising costs 350000 promotions 500000 Networking 100000 15150000 Anticipated profits After implementing the business plan, we expect that the company will make profits of 10 billion dollars in the first quarter though the operating costs are expected to increase and the economy to remain sluggish. Implementation Process Measures for measuring performance Using the balance score method, Unilever will be able to control four perspectives of marketing: from the financial perspective, if the company is to meet the objectives, it will be required to monitor and measure all the profits margin sales and other goals through management of the objectives. Thus, the company will be required to measure the profitability of its products according to the region. The desired increase in shareholders’ value will be easily measured through dividends. From the customer perspective, the critical success factors will be measured by making sure they observe the consumer satisfaction index and also by analyzing the problems presented by the consumers. The internal perspective to be measured is the efficiency: this will be done by controlling marketing aspects such as sales force efficiency as well as advertising efficiency. Finally, the last perspective which Unilever can check how the implementation is going on is though the strategic control; this will require the company taking the initiative to critically review the overall marketing and corporate objectives (Martin ND). Implementation procedure If the analysis of our market mixes strategies show that implementation of such measures will aid to the growth of the company, we shall then implement our marketing plan into two phases: Phase one will involve implementing our marketing plan in the European region where the market is stable compared to the other places in Africa, Latin America and Middle East regions. Af ter implementing it fully, if any modifications are required we shall then modify the marketing plan before we can implement it in the other regions. All implementation activities will be planned and scheduled by using a Gantt chart as this will help in monitoring and controlling what has been done and what will have remained (Bunin 2008) Market penetration To penetrate the new markets, Unilever will use the low pricing high quality strategy in order to attract the low class and middle classes in all the regions that the company has established its subsidiaries. To increase the volume of sales the company must ensure that the goods remain of high quality to ensure the customers continue deriving maximum utility. Market development Service program development The company also gives back to the society through its employees. They have introduced the (Lamplighter) program which permits its employees to gauge and track the important aspects of their health (such as blood pressure). In r eturn a healthy workforce for Unilever translates into more friendly and consumer engaged employees. Diversification The company has a wide range of frozen foods, tea, laundry soaps and ice creams among other products. It is also dedicated at providing its customers with the best information about food and nutrition in order to help them make sound decisions when purchasing the company products. About holding promotions, the company has been advertising fully in the internet due to the huge market pool it holds with much interest given on high quality and value. Another market aspect which Unilever has been able to use is the distribution system in which the company distributes its products through their intermediaries throughout the world in every location where their branches are located (Clarke 2011). Reference List Bunin, R.B. 2008. New Perspectives on Microsoft Project 2007: Introductory. London, Cengage Learning. Clarke, F. 2011. Unilever, Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Rio Ice Cream Wars . [Online] Available at: . Ellickson, P. B., Misra, S., 2006. Supermarket Pricing Strategies. [Online] Available at: . Emmo, M., and Dave, D. 2007. Looking Good, Feeling Good and Getting More Out of Life. [Online] Available at: Idea Connection. Not Dated. Unilever uses Collaboration to Develop Clean Water Solution. [Online] Available at: Jones, G. 2002. Unilever- a Case Study. [Online] available at: Kleiner, E., Abrams, R. 2003. The Successful Business Plan: Secrets Strategies. 4th Edition. London, The Planning Shop Kotler, P. 2000. Marketing Management. New York, Prentice Hall International , Millennium edition IBM. 2006. Unilever Europe Improves Retail Execution And Trade Promotions Efficiency With IBM. [Online] available from; . Martin, J.R. Not Dated. Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1992. The Balanced Scorecard Measures That Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 71-79. [Online] Available at: . Neff, J. 2010. Why Execs at Some of PGs Fiercest Rivals Hold Its Stock: Package-Goods Giants Alums Are Increasingly Cropping Up at Competitors. [Online] Available at: Nitischke, R., Not Dated. The 5Ps of marketing: Arago Partners LLC. [Online] Available from: . Rosenzweig, S. 2000. Smart Marketing: What Big Companies Practice and You Should Learn about Marketing, Branding and Business Development . 2nd Edition. London, Emery Publishing Company. Tronstad, R., 1995. Product Position. [Online] Available at: . Porter, M.E. 1998. Competitive Advantage: Creating And Sustaining Superior Performance: With A New Introduction. New York, Simon and Schuster Publishers. Unilever. 2000. Unilever. International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 32. St. James Press. [Online] Available at: . Unilever. 2011. Millions Of people all over the world have lost weight wit SlimFast. [Online] Available at: . Wedel, M., and Kamakura, W.A. 2000. Market Segmentation: Conceptual And Methodological Foundations. 2nd Edition. New York, Springer Publishers.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Newspaper Industry Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Newspaper Industry Analysis - Essay Example However, the effects of the internet are variant and do not affect the Indian newspaper industry and other developing economies. Table of Contents Introduction 5 Findings 6 Description and Benefits of PEST Analysis 6 PEST Analysis for the Newspaper Industry in the Developed Economies 7 Political Factors 7 Economic Factors 7 Social Factors 8 Technological Factors 9 The Meaning of the PEST Analysis for the Newspaper Industry 9 SWOT Analysis of the Guardian 10 Strengths 10 Weaknesses 10 Opportunities 11 Threats 11 Describe Lewin’s Field Force Analysis 11 Field Force Analysis for the newspaper industry in the developed world concerning the use of the internet 12 Driving Forces 12 Restraining Forces 12 Recommendations to Reduce the Strength of the Obstacles 12 The Indian Newspaper Industry 13 Conclusion 13 References 15 Introduction In the developed economies, the newspaper industry is going through a period of change. Yet whilst the industry is going through a period of change in the developed economies, in other economies such as India the story is different. The modern newspaper industry is facing structural challenges and fundamental transformations where they experience a long-term decline in circulation volume in paid titles as advertisers move to modern means of advertising. As such, newspaper publishers across the globe are facing a decline in: Newsprint prices Advertising revenues Titles Circulation Notably, the innovation and adoption of the internet derive the greatest losses to the newspapers where in developed economies circulation has been falling for a long term (PricewaterhouseCoopers 2009, p. 9). However, in other countries like India, newspaper sales are rising (Mallet 2013, p. 1). Notably, most young people are spending most of their time in the internet where they get the news online instead of reading newspapers (The Economist Newspaper Limited 2006, p. 1). Although, newspapers are yet to shut down in large numbers, we can expect that in the near future, most of the largest newspapers will close business especially in America. Nevertheless, the newspaper publishers are still trying to remain afloat and reduce operational costs by: Spending less on journalism Investing in free daily papers Trying to attract younger readers Trying to create new businesses on- and offline Raising the price of their subscriptions and news-stand copies The Guardian is a British national daily newspaper, which started publishing in 1821. The Guardian has grown to a national paper that deals with a complex organisational structure and international multimedia and web presence (Guardian News and Media Limited 2013, p. 1). Indeed, it is one of the world's best-selling international weekly newspapers, which provides relevant and updated information on international news, politics, entertainment, culture, and comment (Guardian News and Media Limited 2013, p. 1). More than 200,000 people in over 100 countries read the Guardian Weekly (Guardi an News and Media Limited 2013, p. 1). To analyze the position of the newspaper industry in the current scenario, I will use the PEST analysis and Lewin’s Field Force Analysis. I will also use the SWOT analysis to analyze the British newspaper The Guardian. Findings Description and Benefits of PEST Analysis The PEST analysis will refer to the analysis of macro-environmental factors that influence the newspaper industry which include: Political Economic Social Technological analysis The PEST
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Tort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Tort - Essay Example summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale; and where an offence under this Section committed by a corporation has been committed with the consent or connivance of, or facilitated by any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the corporation, he, as well as the corporation shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly". Therefore, Betty is obligated by law to obtain insurance for liability to employees. Employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employees while they are at work. Employees may be injured at work, or they may become ill as a result of their work while in employment and might face claims for compensation in this regard. The Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 ensures that employers have at least a minimum level of insurance cover against any such claims. Public Liability Insurance is designed to cover businesses from the threat that they will be sued from a member of the public. The basic concept of public liability is, it will cover one’s business in the event that it causes injury or death to a third party, it will also cover the business in the event that it damages a third parties property. Public liability insurance is not compulsory in the UK and therefore, Betty does not require it, though it might be recommended to protect Betty from future liability from third parties. Liability for land and premises differs depending on the question whether the injured person is a lawful visitor or a trespasser. While the former case is governed by the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, the latter is governed by the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984. Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, an occupier must be prepared for children to be less careful than adults1 and where damage is caused to a visitor by a danger of which he had been warned by the occupier, the warning is not to be
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