Monday, October 21, 2019
Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher Essays
Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher Essays Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher Essay Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher Essay This paper will focus upon the roles, responsibilities and boundaries in planning, managing and delivering learning based around the teaching training cycle. This covers the application of learning styles to identify the differences of my learners. The issues of entitlement, equality, diversity and Inclusitivity will be addressed. It will also address the relevant legislation in my area of expertise and the importance of record keeping to maintain quality standards. The outline of scheme of work, lesson planning, methods used and resources available to meet the needs of my learners. Contents Introduction4 Roles, responsibilities and functions of a teacher4 Designing6 Induction6 Effective Lesson Plan8 Scheme of Work8 Key Principle of Learning9 Motivation10 Group Learning12 Learning Styles13 Honey and Mumford Questionnaire13 Domains of Learning14 Facilitating Learning14 Communication14 Inclusion16 Resource Materials/ Teaching Strategies17 Current Legislation17 Managing Behaviour and Disruption18 Functional Skills18 Mentoring and Support19 Micro teaching19 Explain the need for record keeping? 19 Assessing Learning19 Quality Assurance of Assessment decisions20 Formative/Summative Assessment20 Self Evaluation21 Reflective Journals22 Continued professional Development22 Conclusion22 Referencing22 Introduction This assignment will look at the roles, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher. I will discuss how a teacher has a major effect upon students learning and behaviour. I will discuss the different theories that are related to learning and teaching methods and how they can be used within your teaching practice. I will also pay attention to my students learning styles so that my students are kept motivated and learn effectively. This will enable me to accommodate their needs. I will identify the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice. I will include how information is gathered about the student and the importance of an Individual Educational Plan. I will examine the different types of assessment methods used and the importance of feedback. It will briefly go onto discuss the different types of records you would keep and why I considered record keeping to be important. I will identify how I implemented functional skills within my subject specialism. I will explain the importance of self reflection and how it enables you to improve your teaching practice. Roles, responsibilities and functions of a teacher The role and responsibilities of a teacher vary as is depends upon where and what you are going to teach. A teachers is not only to teach knowledge and skills to them, but to inspire them, be creative and finding ways to encourage learning. According to Marshall, B (2006). â€Å"Perhaps the most important is passing on what they know about a certain area or subject and ensuring that learners have enough practice and motivation to pass the ourse†. There are a number of roles and responsibilities that I need to carry out as this will help assist me to meet the needs of my learners effectively. These might include: ? Following professional values and ethics ? To create a safe learning environment ? Must possess subject knowledge. This shows the student that you are confident ? Give advice but keep it limited ? Must always ta ke a register ? Observe confidentiality ? Show patience ? Must possess classroom management skills ? Must track down students if they fail to attend lesson ? Make sure learning takes place Use safe equipment ? Diagnostic assessment ? Establish needs of the learner During my induction period at NTC I was provided with information about the college policies, current legislation and details about my roles and responsibilities. I have my own mentor that provides continuous help and support throughout my Teacher Training course. I tend to keep a record of what I teach I am going to teach and how my learners are progressing. I thought it was useful to set up a course file which contain all the documentation that is needed to deliver the course. This includes the syllabus, session plan, scheme of work, assignments handouts and activities. All the record of my learners are kept alphabetically so that I can easily access the learners information easily. I tend to keep certain information about my learners such as their application form, interview, Initial assessment, assessment records, action plan, tutorials, and review notes. I always make sure that I have some extra stationery hand as many of my students tend to forget to bring it with them. There are so many characteristics that make up an effective teacher. I always have additional worksheets prepared for my learners to carry out just in case the session finished earlier than expected. Teachers are addressed with many names such as assessor, coach, facilitator, counsellor mentor however it is necessary that I must work within my professional boundaries. It is about knowing where my role stops as a tutor. For instant make call to a learner to find out why they have not turned up, but continuously ringing the learner is not appropriate. I always make sure that I follow organisational requirements and policies. Below are some boundaries of a teacher: Your roles are limited to teaching pastoral care ? Cant undermine other colleague roles ? Not undermining departmental head ? If a criminal offence has been committed you must follow the legal process ? Making sure that you follow college policy e. g theft or assault Teachers are required by the college policy to attend staff meetings, attend standardisation meetings, take part in discipline p rocess and accurately mark a register and student homework. Most teachers tend to follow the training cycle. The training cycle identifies the learner’s needs and planning. Designing, facilitating and evaluating learning. However I always ensure that I follow through each point in order for teaching and learning to be effective. Identifying needs and planning – This is the stage where you find out the needs of the organisation and the learners. This stage prepares scheme of work and lesson plan taking into consideration the learning styles of each learner, the needs of the organisation, and the syllabus. Designing – Preparing a suitable environment, teaching strategies and resources Facilitating – Teaching and learning in a suitable manner Assessing – Ensuring that learners have met the learning outcomes and obtained knowledge and be able to apply this is practice Evaluation Obtaining feedback from my learners and evaluate so that I can make changes for improvemen Designing When designing the course I took into consideration the target audience so that there is no misconception of what the course entails. It also specified the time, duration and the entry requirements. I made sure that there is no sexual discrimination as the course was aimed at both male and females. There is also no age discrimination as all ages are welcome to join the course. I used a variety of colours, large fonts as this will have a visual impact as more individuals are likely to become aware of the course. The course takes place in the evening as this will give a chance for more learners to join as most individuals will have other commitments during the day such as going to work or looking after children. NTC offer child care facilities in order to attract those who are unable to attend due to not being able to afford child care costs. The course is absolutely free however identification is crucial as this must be bought in during the induction. You can bring in a passport, diving license as well as a bill. Induction When you begin teaching a new group it is very important to know certain points that I need to cover with them. This usually takes place during the induction process. This is a very important process. The induction usually gives an induction to the organisation and the course, I produce a checklist to ensure that I cover everything in the checklist and give learners a copy as this will give me them a framework of what is going to take place. During the induction I introduced myself to the class. I told them a bit about myself in terms of my educational history, where I’m from and my main aim which was to ensure that every learner within the class is learning effectively. I thought it was a good idea carry out an icebreaker as this will help the learners to get to know one another. This was an excellent team building exercise. I got my learners to introduce themselves in front of the class however this can be intimidating for some learners as they have no met any of the learners however most of my students were happy enough to undertake the activity. If I did encounter some problems I would group my learners into pairs and get them to chat to one another to discuss their hobbies and interests. The students really enjoyed this exercise as they got to know the similarities and the different experiences that learners have. The ice breaker helped me to retain attention, keep motivation high and help the group work together. An icebreaker also encourages the following: ? Encourages team work and inclusion ? Breaks down barriers ? Establish trust ? Create a friendly learning environment ? Builds confidence ? Helps reduce nerves Each of my learners had to fill in an application form as this will help me a brief idea about my learners. The application consisted of a section on their personal detail such as name, address, age, date of birth, place of birth. The next sections considered of previous qualifications and experience and a declaration. My learners undertook Initial/diagnostic assessment as this helped me to assess the level of literacy and numeracy skill the learner had. Some courses/qualifications have entry requirements. it also gives me an indication of aspects of work that they need to improve on. As a teacher I must make sure that I am not disadvantaging my learners by placing them on a course/qualification that they are not able to achieve. The initial assessment gave me information about the learner’s current level of ability as this will help me plan learning and assessment. I also conducted a one to one interview which involved asking a number of questions. I asked open ended questions and tried my level best to make my learners comfortable. During this process I got to know why my learner has enrolled on the course. This could be either internal or external. From this It also gave me a general idea on the learners motivation levels. I considered it useful to ask my learners their preferred learning styles as this will have to be taken into considered during the planning process. It gave a chance to identify whether they have any learning difficulties and needed any special adjustments. I thought it was necessary to ask whether they have other commitments and whether this would affect their attendance. Other commitment does tend to have an impact upon whether the learner is able to cope with the workload. It is very important for to know whether my learners have an health issues as my learners may need to need to leave the lesson to take the medicine as this will avoid disruption as I will be aware of why my learner wants to leave the room beforehand. I always ask my learners whether they have previous criminal conviction however I will not discriminate my learners on this basis as everyone must be given a second chance. I gave my learners a tour of the site so that they get familiar way with the building. I also gave them a handout on the facilities that we offer onsite. Such as parking areas, designated smoking areas, catering and toilet points within the organisation. I explained the health and safety procedures which explained the fire procedures, drill practices, and who to report to in an event of emergency. I must make sure that all my students fully understand the health and safety procedures therefore I performed a mini quiz with them which gave me satisfaction that they fully understood the procedures. I explained some details about the course such as the content of the course, learning outcome, how they will be assessed and important dates. We also agreed upon the lunch and break timing as learners need regular breaks to keep them motivated. All learners require ground rules. These are usually set by the organisation. Setting ground rules will help the learner to know their limits. Most learners have expectation from the teacher such as being organised, professional and facilitating learning in the best possible way. I always make sure that I start my sessions on time, write the aims and objectives on the board so that the learners know what is going to be delivered, recapping point and summarising at the end of the session. As a class we produced our ground rules which are the following: ? Mobile phones must be switched of or put on silent in order to avoid distracting the class. Anyone who needs to keep the phone on must inform the teacher as well as informing the group at the beginning of the session so that the call can be taken outside the class ? Must keep up to date with work- If student are not attending class they must make sure that they get the missed information from myself or other peers within the class ? All students must respect one another. Unacceptable behaviour is not acceptable. This can result in Work must be handed in on time. If work is not handed in on time it could lead to failure ? Must attend regularly In order to make sure that these ground rules are not forgotten I encouraged my students to design a poster that can be hung up on the wall so that my learners were aware of what is expected from them. You must allow students to decide upon the ground rules so that they can diffe rentiate between good and bad. It is also very useful to conduct a quiz or multi choice questionnaire that the can stick in their books so that they are constantly reminded of the code of conduct Identifying Learners Needs Scheme of Work A scheme of work is usually prepared i advance. The scheme of work takes into consideration the course requirements and is then broken down into small parts. The scheme of work usually consists of what you are going to cover in each lesson, the teaching activities that are going to be used, the timing for each learning activity in detail as well as the assessment activities. Whilst producing my scheme of work I take into consideration individual needs as well as special learning requirements. I also take into account WWWWWH. The scheme of work consists of the following: Who the lesson is for, the qualifications and the course title ? Location and duration of session ? Aims and objectives ? Activities, resources and assessment Lesson Plan There is a wide variation in regards to a teachers approach to lesson planning. Some teachers have detailed plans whilst others have little information on. Whilst planning a lesson plan there are a number of factors that influence you. A lesson plan consists of a set of aims and objectives in order to achieve the goals that have been set out by the syllabus. I tend to allocate time to the various objectives that have been set out. The aims and objectives covered within the lesson will follow on by assessment/examination. I tend to consider the SMART objectives so that I am able to examine my aims and objectives. I tend to start my lesson with aims and objectives so that the students are aware of what they are expected to know by the end of the lesson. I don’t expect too much of my learners as it will take time for my learners to assimilate new knowledge. I make sure that I book the venue beforehand and make sure that I have enough chairs and tables in order to accommodate the students. I will also check if the environment is appropriate for any special requirements. The venue can be a boundary and the best use of it must be the tutor’s responsibility. I tend to keep myself up to date with information relating to my subject area as well as my profession. I refer back to the National Qualification Curriculum Handbook so that I am able to set out activities based upon the learners ability. A boundary is that learners can expect the tutor to know everything. This is not possible. I must make sure that I have information and details on where information is available. Different aspect of diversity and inclusitivity were taken into account throughout the delivery of the lesson. Key Principle of Learning There are a number of theories that explore how people learn. These theories are dependent upon the thoughts and experiences. Individuals have their own way of learning and this can be influenced by their experience in their childhood, school, personal or professional relationships. These theories will assist me to understand my learners effectively. Laird (1985) introduced the sensory theory which suggests that by using the senses (sight, hearing, touching, smelling and taste) will enable you to remember learn effectively. Laird (1985) suggests that if multi senses are stimulated then greater learning is taking place. Laird quotes research that found that the vast majority of knowledge held by adults (75%) is learned through seeing. Hearing is the next most effective (about 13%) and the other senses touch, smell and taste account for 12% of what we know. By stimulating the senses, especially the visual sense, learning can be enhanced. I will make sure that I adopt a variety of teaching strategies and resources to allow my learners to use as many of their senses as possible. Experimental theory was is also a very useful theory based upon the process of how people understand their experiences, and as a result alter their behavior. This theory considers it to be beneficial for continuous reflection as this will gives an opportunity to modify our behavior. Kolb identified four distinct processes which identified methods of learning. Kolb (1984) produced a cycle of learning Experiential learning theory defines learning as the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience Kolb (1984). This theory emphasizes that without reflection we would continue to repeat our mistakes. [pic] The Two models (Concrete Experience) and (Abstract Conceptualization) are both related forms of grasping experience whilst the other two (Reflective Observation) (RO) and (Active Experimentation) are based upon transforming experience. Concrete Experience – This based upon the experiences of teaching. Reflecting upon – This is where I consider whether my lesson went well or not. If it didn’t go so well, what were the causes of it? At this stage I am critically judging myself. Planning Active Experimentation – At the final I will identify ways to solve the problem. If I were to conduct the lesson again how would I do it differently? What methods would I adopt and why? I always apply this theory to evaluate my teaching practice. In order for reflection to be effective I am always honest. I try not to blame my students in the process. I always take into consideration my learners learning styles as this will encourage learning. It is very important to identify my weaknesses so that I am able to address the issue and transform it to success. I get my mentor to continuously observe me as this helps me to get a more objective view of my teaching skills. Motivation There are types of motivation one is intrinsic which means the learners wants to learn or extrinsic meaning that there are taking part in learning due to external factors such as wanting to gain a promotion or gain citizenship. The motivation of the learner is mainly dependent upon the teacher. Therefore I must promote a professional relationship which will lead to individual learning and trust. Some learners may be already inspired to learning where other learners must be challenged, inspired and stimulated. There are many factors that affect a learner motivation to learn. In order to motivate my learner I will do the following: 1. Treat them with respect 2. Set clear targets 3. Create a friendly environment 4. Maintained organised and create challenging tasks 5. Make tasks interesting, practical and relevant 6. Use a variety of teaching strategies to reach all learning styles 7. Avoid competition 8. Be aware of their attention span 9. Give constructive feedback [pic] This is a theory of human motivation which has set up a hierarchy of five levels of basic needs which has been produced by Maslow (1954). The physiological needs are the basic survival needs, such as food, water and shelter (Petty 2001). If these needs are met i. e. the learners are well fed, are not thirsty and are neither too warm nor too cold, then the higher needs take their place (Petty 2001). It will be very difficult for a learner to remain motivated if they are hungry or thirsty or too warm. Room temperature is a big problem in some of the temporary buildings in which I teach, these buildings get far too warm in the summer and can be stifling in the winter. One of the first things I do when I arrive in one of these classrooms is to get the learners to open the windows so that the temperature falls and the room becomes less stuffy. Safety needs are concerned with physical and physiological safety (Gary2001). This means that the learners need to be in an environment where they do not feel anxiety or dread, and that the environment is stable (Petty 2001). Basically this means that the teacher should not use threats or punishment or any technique that would belittle or intimidate a learner. The teacher needs to establish the learning environment as one of trust. Social needs are concerned with the need to feel part of a social group (Gray et al 2001). If these needs are not met then the learner can feel lonely, and can feel hostility towards other members of the group. The esteem needs cover self esteem needs (desire for achievement, confidence and to be able to cope by oneself), and respect, where the learner desires recognition, status and dignity (Petty 2001). The self actualisation needs cover personal growth and development, self expression and the need to search for identity (Petty 2001). According to Petty (2001) if the first two needs are met then a teacher can harness Maslow’s needs by making sure that: All learners feel valued, accepted and included and that a group ethos is developed. There is also opportunity for group work · All students experience success, and get praise and other reinforcement. There are opportunities for learners to gain respect from the teacher and from the other learners · Routine tasks sometimes make way for choice, creative work and other opportunities for learners to express their individuality. The teacher gives opportunity for the learners to think for themselves and to satisfy their curiosity. Using these techniques will maintain a learner’s motivation, as will the use of praise and constructive criticism (Petty 2001). I always made sure that I kept Maslow Hierarchy into consideration as this will help me to create a positive learning environment. â€Å"Independent Learning is that learning in which the learner, in conjunction with relevant others, can make the decisions necessary to meet the learners own learning needs†. Kesten (1987). Successful independent learning depends upon internal and external factors. External factors involve the teacher and student relationship and the enabling learning environment. I noticed that independent learning is very beneficial as it motivated the learner as well as improving their management skills in terms of managing their learning. I always make sure that I encourage independent learning as I set out tasks where that require independent work. I deliver the Esol programme. I have about six students at different levels. I deliver a 4 hour lesson in the evening. My students tend to be very tired as the lesson takes place in the evening. I attempt to keep the students stimulated and motivated. It is my responsibility that the learner has a clear understanding of what the topic is, understand the learning objectives and how they will know if they have achieved the learning outcomes. Organisation is very important. It is necessary that to have the materials prepared beforehand, you must have enough handouts, a PowerPoint set up and extensive work set so that students are kept busy at all times. All the students must be learning. Teacher main objective is to facilitate learning. Reece ( 2002). Group Learning A group is a collection of individuals. Each individual will have their own personality. Taking part in group work can have an influence upon the learner’s behaviour. Group dynamics can change. For instance when a new learner joins the course late there can be personality clashes. In order to overcome this problem I will make sure that I make the learner feel welcome as well as pairing them with another learner as this encourage socialisation. I reinforce group work all the time and making sure that all my learners are taking part. Sometimes group work can get out of control therefore I must recognize the roles that various learners play as this will enable me to mix the learners into different groups. Groups of people go through stages when they meet. According to Tuckman (1965) group participants go through five stages: 1. Forming – This is the stage where learners get to know one another and I will make them aware of the boundaries and code of conduct. 2. Storming – This is where conflict arises as disagreements will take place 3. Norming – Learners exchange their ideas and group member get along with one another 4. Performing – Learners are confident at this stage to express their ideas and are enthusiastic to complete the task given 5. Adjourning – At this stage the task is successfully completed. Most learners went to keep in touch It is more than likely that most learner’s will complete five stages however there are some learners may not as they will move backwards and forwards in the process. It takes hard work and planning as groups take time to form and work together effectively. Learning Styles Honey and Mumford Questionnaire I also considered it vital to make sure that each learner completes a VAK questionnaire. Every learner has different styles of learning. So therefore as a teacher it was necessary that I referred some learning theories so that I could meet individual needs. Developing from Kolb’s work Honey and Mumford (1982) built a set of interventions which helps students and teachers to realise the diversity that exists in a group of people. They suggested that there are four styles Activist Theorist Pragmatist Reflector Active Processor ? Concrete perceivers absorb information through direct experiences by doing, acting, sensing and feeling. These individual have a preference for work placements, lab work. In other words they enjoy practical work rather than theory. To assist these learners a practical aspect will work more than additional examples. Abstract and reflective processors make sense of experience by immediately using the new information. These learners can be accommodated by making use of review question and the question and answer technique ? Reflective processors usually refer back to an experience. To assist these learners material must be given in advance. It is likely that these learner will perform at a low level withi n a practical task because the notes are not given in advance The VAK questionnaire gives me an idea of the style of learning that my students prefer. To avoid creating barriers for learning to take place I will make sure that I produce a scheme of work with a range of instruction methods to utilize all four learning styles. It is very important to assess learner styles so that they learn quickly and efficiently. Learners need to overcome a number of barriers to learn effectively such as social, physical, and organizational skills and to have a course that is open to many different types of learning styles as possible. An Individual Educational Plan is formed for each student so that we can accommodate the student’s needs. IEP is discussed later on in the essay. Domains of Learning ‘Blooms Taxonomy’ attempts to classify and form levels of learning. He suggests that learning goes through stages 1. Attention 2. Perception 3. Understanding 4. Short/long term memory 5. Change in behaviour Blooms (1956) states that this can affect thinking and actions. These are called domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. These are organised in a series of levels. One must not try to attempt to address higher level until the levels below are not completed. It provides a way of categorising learning. When planning learning I always make sure that I consider the domains that I want to reach. Facilitating Learning The subject that you will teach will extinguish the style of my delivery. This can formal, informal or a mixture of both. Formal delivery is in a form of a lecture, demonstration, and presentation. Informal teaching is more on the practical aspect as this will involve group work and practical activities. My subject is a mixture of both. I tend to conduct a demonstration before my learners can undertake the tasks or activities set out. I always remain confident when teaching. I try my level best to inspire my learners in order to maintain their interest. I am very passionate about my subject as this does reflect back upon the learners. I always remain professional because if I become too personal my learners will lose respect for me. My learners are attending the course for many different reasons. Some are voluntary and others may be attending for socialising rather than achieving a qualification therefore I must attempt to interest and motivate my learners so that they want to achieve. I do not show favouritism amongst my students as I always treat my students equally. I never lose my temper as this will show the learners that I am frustrated. This shows that the learners are taking control. I never make threats or touch my learners as this is unprofessional behaviour. I try to maintain a positive approach, be fair, friendly and organised. The main motivation is developed by making sure all my learners are learning and participating and making sure that I teach my subject in an interesting and challenging manner. Communication â€Å"Communication is a two way process, where you want to communicate to your students and you want your students to communicate with you†. Question and answer is a good way to develop this interactional style of communication. Reece (2003). In order to ensure that good communication takes place it is necessary to create an effective learning environment. To achieve this I need to make sure that there is trust between the tutor, learners and the institute. It is also method to recall information as well as and it assesses whether learning is taking place. Communication can take form in the m anner of expression such as body language, gestures, and voice. First impressions are considered to be very important. The learners tend to make a judgement during the first meeting as well as the teachers about their learners. However these judgements change over a period of time. Non verbal plays an important role in communication. I always make sure that I show good eye contact, always smile, I use the correct use of language, tone of voice, eye movement and other action that will result in a friendly Some gestures you may not realise such as hand movements. It is useful to have a video recording of my lesson so that I can identify my weaknesses. I make sure that whilst I write on the board or the flip chart I must not talk to my learners as this can be distracting for the learners to do two things at one time. It may also result in the learners not being able to hear me speak and miss out vital information. â€Å"Fault communication cause most problems†. â€Å"Effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit†. Therefore I always make sure that I use the three P’s (Pitch-Pause-Pace). To ensure that the three P’s are effective. I must make sure that I speak clearly as this is the means to transmit clear information. I believe that in order to be an effective teacher it is necessary to communicate effectively. Without successful communication there is no learning taking place. I ensure that I adjust of my communication according to the standards of the class. . I always provide positive stroke as this give encourages learning. I always maintain the trust between my students, myself and the institutions as well as showing unconditional regards to my learners. Roger (1989). If my students produce good standards of work I consider it important to reward them. The behaviourist theory which was produced by B. F. Skinner identified in his research that rewards are positive reinforces that encourage learning to take place. I try to avoid punishment as this is a negative reinforce. I make sure that I appropriately make use of the three E’s (Engage. Explain, and Entertain). I use a variety of open ended questions as this will result in getting a lot of information out of my students. This is a very good process to get my student involved in discussions. Having a sense of humour is very beneficial as this will hel me get the attention of my learners. The three C’s are also relevant which are Clear, Concise and Content. Communication must be clear and must be relevant to the course content. I must not complicate my speed by using jargons and ancronyms. I always remain focused and do not loose the point that I am trying to get across. I always ask regular questions to check if the learner is listening. I use language that promotes equality and diversity however I make it relevant to my subject and must not discriminate against my learners. According to SENDA 2001 it is unlawful to treat a disabled person lesson favourably due to their disability. It is my responsibilities to make sure that reasonable adjustment are made so that the learner is able to reach their full potential. I don’t expect all my learners to remember everything first time as they don’t know what I know. The interchange of information needs to be effective. â€Å"In a teaching situation the teacher should transmit information for the whole period but there is no guarantee that the information will be received by the students. The teacher needs to be able to assess problems of understanding embarrassment and confusion in students. †Walkin (2002). Inclusion Britain consists of a number of people from different races, a wide variety of cultural backgrounds and different aspirations to learning. All institution are legally responsible to promote inclusion. Inclusion is about an individual’s right to have access to education, to be valued for who they are and are provided with the necessary support. There are three strategies to develop an inclusive curriculum. First is to set suitable learning challenges, being able to respond to diverse needs of student and overcoming barriers to learning and assessment. Inclusion of my learners start of by me gaining knowledge about the student by looking at their application forms and Individual Learning Plan which will give me an insight of the students learning abilities, educational achievement, past experiences, and learning needs can be identified. I will make sure that I adopt an inclusive teaching approach so that I can deliver equal opportunities and diversity policies. I will match provision to my students need and incorporate regular reflection, review and refinement of strategies will actively involve my student in the learning process despite their abilities. During my teaching practice and during the planning of my lessons I felt that it was necessary that I took the following into consideration: Entitlement – All learners are entitled to an equal right in education so that they are able to reach their full potential, therefore, it is my duty to meet the learners required needs Equality- It is the framework that enables opportunity, access, participation and contribution Differentiation No matter what age, sex and race the learner is, all learners must be treated equally Inclusitivity- Ensure that all learners are learning. Some learners may feel intimidated, excluded, irritated, threatened or discriminated by the teachers words and actions or by the work or activities that they are expected to do, therefore, it is the teachers duty to ensure that all the SEN learners are included and are participating within the classroom I came across a doctor called Dr Bailey. He was called into a class to observe as some teachers were unable to handle their class. Dr Bailey sat at the back of the class, recorded what was going on within the classroom and then watched the video. This was a useful method to identify the problems within the classroom. his research had a major impact upon my teaching as effective learning can only take place if you possess classroom management skills. If any of my learners did have behaviour issues I would be able to refer back to this particular research to handle those learners with behaviour difficulties. Resource Materials/ Teaching Strategies Whilst selecting the resources I took into consideration the learning styles of my learners. . â€Å"To make use of resources use the right aid, at the right time, in the right place, in the right manner†. Walkin (2002). For instance you may have a student with vision problems therefore it is not appropriate to use visual aid to help students to learn about a topic. The resources should be selected in order to suit your learners. As a teacher you have a duty not to offend any learners within your classroom. I thought it would be a good idea to evaluate the resources that I used so that I can modify or change them for future references. The resources I selected promoted Equality and diversity as the learners gained skills and knowledge. Resources play an important role to motivate the learners. I was unsure about the teaching strategies that I could use within my classroom. I had to examine barriers that may affect their learning styles. These include reading and writing abilities, lack of confidence in speaking and lack of concentration. The strategies that I will adopt will ensure that my learners are enjoying and understanding the content of what is being taught. I regularly use the question and answer method on a regular basis as this is a useful method that will enable students to interact, improve their speech and boost their confidence. I always praise my students whether they are right or wrong so that they feel confident in answering questions. Reece and Walker (2000, p135) state â€Å" your task is to adopt as many strategies as you can and to choose the most appropriate one for each group you teach†. I usually adopt strategies that my students feel comfortable with and ensuring that all my learners are able to participate in the activities that I have set out so that everyone is learning Current Legislation As a professional teacher I must keep up to date with current legislation as this partly forms my roles and responsibilities. It enables me to clarify such requirements for my learners when necessary. Years ago offensive behaviour would have been discouraged by schools, colleges and Universities however policies are now prohibited by law. These include discriminatory behaviour, bullying on the grounds of individuals sexual orientation or beliefs. The rules and regulations are very clear at NTC. NTC are very dedicated to ensuring policies, practices and procedures that give staff the opportunity to work to their full potential. The college has many strategies in removing all types of discrimination. The college is very clear about the standard of behaviour that is expected from its teachers and learners. Teachers are role models to their students therefore they must promote positive behaviour within the classroom. Any stereotypical assumptions are discouraged. I always deliver my lesson without being prejudice and bias. NTC recruitment is very fair as they select individuals solely based upon their ability to do the job. In order to reach a fair decision relevant qualification and experiences are taken into consideration. It is vital that all staff undertake a CRB check as this is compulsory. All new employees must be able to provide at least two references. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 sets a framework for students as well as staff. It is necessary that the teacher is aware of the health and safety issues and requirements so that he/she can keep themselves as well as the students safe. I will make sure that my learners are in safe environment and are using equipment appropriately. The following legislation promotes inclusiveness: Sex Discrimination Act 1975- It is illegal to treat a woman or a man less favourably on the basis of their sexuality or marital status Disability and Discrimination Act 2005 Reasonable adjustments must be made to allow learners to fully participate in the learning process The Race Relation Act (1976) – It is illegal to discriminate anyone on the basis of their colour, race, nationality and origin The Equality Act 2006 Aims to destroy discrimination and inequality, it is formed to protect human rights so that everyone has a fair right within society The Human Rights Act 1998 – Everyone must be treated equally It is my responsibility to make sure that I follow these laws in order to avoid breaching the law as well as making sure that my students are safe. Managing Behaviour and Disruption In order to get through a session without disruption would be extraordinary however this is very rare. Disruption can take place for a number of reasons. Disruption can take place in a number of forms such as learners arriving late as this will result in me starting the lesson from the beginning so that the learner can catch up, an enthusiastic learner who wants to learn more or a student wanting to be excused from the lesson to go to the toilet. Whatever disruption it may be I must handle it professionally so that it can have a minimised effect upon my teaching and learning. Disruption is usually occurred due to learners not following the ground rules such as mobile phones ringing in class or the learners decide to eat and drink in middle of the class. If this does happen in class I politely ask them to shop and remind them of their ground rules and explain that this act has affected their peers learning. Disruption can also be caused as a result of being bored, learners not understanding what I am teaching or that my work is not challenging enough. I usually provide alternative activities in order to get my learners involved. If disruption still occurs I will have a one to one chat with them. Functional Skills Functional skills are part of a national strategy for improving adult literacy, language and numeracy skills which is called skills for life. They cover reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, English for speakers of another language (EAL) and numeracy skills. There are three levels; the entry level is divided into three sub-levels; entry 1. 2,3 which describes in detail the small steps required by the learner to make progress. The entry level enables learners to gain confidence, knowledge and understanding if their ability is low or accurate s In the planning of my sessions I need to look at the standards for Literacy and Numeracy and incorporate some in my session plans. The learners will complete an ILP at the beginning of the course allowing for information to be provided on learning abilities and needs. This is used to plan for all individual learning needs in the sessions and differentiate work if necessary. The learners will complete a basic skill assessment for literacy and numeracy on the induct ion. This provides accurate specific information on individual ability, needs, support required and the opportunity for the learners to look at gaining level / in literacy and Numeracy. Functional skills are common to all our lives. They help make sense of daily life. Functional skills provide students with the essential knowledgde, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and at work. Individuals of whatever age who posses these skills will be able to participate and progress in education, training and employment as well as develop and secure the broader range of aptitudes, attitudes and behaviours that will enable them to make a positive contribution to communities in which they live and work. Functional Skills Update, QCA (December 2005). Mentoring and Support It is very crucial that I support my learners in the possible way so that learning and development takes place. During the Initial Assessment I identified particular individual needs therefore I provided effective support strategies and give learners access to appropriate sources for guidance. I enhance an environment that enhances access and participation in their learning programme. I make sure that I provide my students with the necessary resource, specialist equipment to help my learners to learn effectively. I recognize the diversity of my learners needs and ways to motivate them. I always apply the concept of inclusive learning and encourage learner autonomy. I always ask my mentor for help as they provide me with help and guidance. Micro teaching As part of my Teacher Training course it is vital for me to undertake some micro teaching. It was a very useful experience as this assisted me to develop my communication skills, develop my practical skills, the faults were observed and the observes give constructive feedback. This helped met to improve my teaching skills. Explain the need for record keeping? Register- It is my responsibility to keep a register for every lesson so that you are aware of who is attending class and those who are not, As a teacher it is your duty to make sure that you aware of why certain individuals are not attending class. This information is very vital for the college, the teacher or it may be a requirement for funding to show that a learner attended a certain amount of hours. Individual Learning Plan – This is a living document that remains throughout the learner’s course which is contributed by the learner, myself and relevant people from the work place. The purpose of the ILP is to gather accurate relevant information on the learner’s ability, experiences, trainings, special requirements and learning needs, to provide information on achievements, progress and training throughout the course. The learner has the opportunity to reflect on progress, achievement and this provides information on how the learners feeling and if the support provided needs to be tailored for the learner. Assessment Records – This is so that I am aware of my students achievement as well as their failure. This will help me to reflect upon my teaching practice and adjust my teaching strategies in order for the student to succeed. I always respect my learners as this a key to creating a good relationship. Assessing Learning Assessment is a way to find out whether learning has taken place. Assessment is very important. ‘If you have no assessment, you have no learning’ (Wallace 2005) It shows me whether the learner has gained the skills and knowledge in order to successfully achieve the learning outcome of the course. I adopt a number of methods to asses my learners. There are a variety of assessment methods available. Some assessment methods were very goods and some were not suitable for my learners. I had to decide upon the assessment methods that were suitable for my learners. It found it very useful to evaluate the assessment methods I used it to establish if my learners were learning or not, if not why not? If I had too many pass rates within the class, then maybe my assessment methods were far too easy or it could be that my expectation of the class level of learning is at a lower level than the actual class level of learning. It is necessary that assessment must be fair. I will make sure that I always refer to VACSR NASTA (2007). It is necessary that the assessment is VALID – Does it assess what is in the syllabus or course requirements? AUTHENTIC – Is the evidence genuinely the work of the learner? CURRENT – Can the learner’s knowledge and skills be demonstrated? SUFFICIENT – Is there enough to cover all the requirements of the syllabus? RELIABLE – Are the assessment decisions currently being made consistent with those made during past assessment opportunities or by other assessors? Quality Assurance of Assessment decisions To make sure that the marks I have given to my students are fair, Quality Assurance is adopted. All the colleagues meet together where they bring examples of assessment that are marked so that they can compare the grades with one another. Qualified and experience members are present in the same subject area. They provide judgements and advice. This is known as internal verification. If there is a problem with the learners work it gives them a chance to correct it. Quality improvement is not only about getting better results from current activities but should be an ongoing process to continually improve the services that are provided by the college, The process for improving quality within my organisation is to: Set and achieve targets ? Keep records to support quality standards ? Regular observation to review my performance ? Produce an action plan to address weaknesses ? Regular feedback from student ? Produce a folder as evidence to CPD ? Ensure that students are progressing ? Raising student achievement Formative/Summative Assessment Assessment can be either formative which is an ongoing process or a summative assessment which takes place at the end of the course in a form of an exam. Most courses work towards a qualification therefore have learning outcome that needs to be met by each of the learners. This can be assessed through assignments or questions to assess my learner’s knowledge. Theses assessments are usually designed by the awarding body. Formative assessment improves learning by keeping a track of the progress made by the student by regularly monitoring and review. Summative assessment can be either a pass or a fail. However it can be referred so the learners has a second chance on a similar assessment. The summative assessment is a very beneficial tool as it allows me to know whether my teaching has been effective as this will result in the learners pass rates. If the students pass they receive a certificate as a result. Whilst selecting the assessment methods I always take into consideration the learning outcomes of the course. When planning my assessment I always take into consideration th who, what , when, where, why and how (WWWWWH). This is a way for me to make sure that my questions are very clear and test the learning outcomes. I always refer to the Criterion referenced assessment which measures the achievement against a standard document which contains the criteria of the course as well. I use both formative and summative assessment. Informal and formal assessments are both very useful for making valid and useful assessments of learners knowledge and performance. Many teachers tend to combine the two together. For example by evaluating one skill using informal assessment such as observing group work, and another using formal tool, for example a discrete item grammar tests. I will make sure that I keep a log and record of each individual learner from initial to summative assessment so that I am aware of the student’s achievement Self Evaluation Self evaluation involves thinking about and learning from your own practice and from the practices of others so as to gain new perspective and ideally improve judgement. By using self evaluation you can increase the probability of taking informed actions where situations are complex, unique and certain. Self evaluation is very crucial for your own professional development. According to (Carr and Kmmis 1986) good teachers reflect on what they do to gain an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, to identify areas in which they can improve. As a teacher trainee I consider it necessary to conduct a self evaluation after each lesson so that I can identify how well my lesson went, what was good, what I could have done differently, and what needed improving. I use various methods to obtain the information that I need to develop further. After every teaching lesson I have got into a habit of conducting a reflective journal about my teaching experience. This helps me to keep a log of the areas I need to improve on. It is very useful to ask a member of staff to observe the lesson and provide you with feedback. This is very useful as this will enable me to adjust my teaching techniques. I will also provide a feedback form to my students as this is very useful as it will enable me to adjust my teaching techniques so that the learner are able to learn more effectively. The feedback sheet will ask my students ‘ what they found useful about my lesson’ and ‘how the lesson could improve’. Feedback is very useful as the feedback is given instantly and it is also relevant and reliable. Feedback is very important to me as well as to the students. It is necessary to provide feedback to my learners either verbally or written. It is vital that feedback is always provided on homework as well as assessment. Hattie (1999) noted: â€Å"The most powerful single moderator that enhances achievement is feedback. It should aim to clarify how and why the student understands and misunderstand and the direction the student must take to improve†. Feedback can be negative or positive. However if the feedback about the learners work is negative the teacher must provide negative and positive feedback together so that the learner does not feel intimidated. You must use mild phrases such as ‘however’. It is necessary to provide a reason why positive and negative feedback is given. The teacher must have the ability to convert the negative feedback to a target that the student must meet so that they are encouraged to improve their learning. Baldwin (1989) recommends useful tips on giving feedback 1) Feedback must be immediate 2) It should be direct so that there is no confusion as to what is required 3) There should be no ‘sugar coating’ of feedback 4) Behaviour should be addressed and not the learner 5) Feedback should provide the solution to the negative point 6) Feedback must be balanced and avoid discrimination ) It must avoid too much negativity When students and teacher receive feedback it must be taken positively. You must not get offended by the advice given. Feedback is a useful method and it must be applied so that the learner is able to know their strengths and weaknesses. Reflective Journals I tend to keep a reflective journal to record certain events within my teaching practice such as how I responded to different situations and learners, how patient I was and how my skills need to be developed. It is important for me to identify my mistakes so that I can overcome these by identifying strategies. This process helped me to identify whether I needed further training to improve my knowledge and skills. I found it useful to refer to the training cycle as this will enable me to answer all the questions that will enable me to improve myself. Identifying needs and planning – Was my lesson plan taking into consideration my learners need? Did I provide clear aims and objectives? Did I follow my lesson plan? If I were to change the lesson plan how would I do it differently? Designing – Did I come early to prepare the room environment as well as setting up the equipment in advance? Were the materials such as resources, teaching strategies effective? How would I do it differently? Facilitating – Did I take into account the different learning styles? Was I communicating Effectively? Did I recap the session? Did I use jargon? Were my learners motivated? Did I promote Inclusitivity? Was I dresses appropriately? Assessing – Were all my learners assessed? Have all my learners fully understood? If not, why not? How would I do it differently? Evaluating – Were there are particular situation that arisen? How did I deal with it? Did I obtain feedback? Continued professional Development I will make sure that I pursue continued professional development throughout my career to make sure that I keep up to date with current skills, knowledge and policies as this contributes to the characteristics that make up an effective teacher. I will produce an individual learning plan and keep a professional development record to satisfy external bodies. Conclusion This assignment was very useful as I am fully aware of my roles, responsibilities and boundaries. Inclusion is very important. I will make sure that all my students are participating and are learning effectively. I have become aware of the different types of assessment methods and how assessment plays an important role for the students as well as the teacher. Records of students will be kept so that I am aware of my student’s needs and progress. I will make sure that I communicate effectively taking into consideration verbal and non verbal communication. I strongly believe that effective communication comes with practice. A variety of strategies and resources will be used so that my students are kept motivated. Self evaluation is very important and will enable me to improve my teaching practice. Feedback will be given on an ongoing process and students work will be marked instantly with feedback. Referencing Armitage A (1999) Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education OUP Curzon L B (1997) Teaching in Further Education: An Outline of Principles and Practice 5th Edn Cassell Kolb, D. A. (1999) The Kolb learning style inventory, version 3, Boston: Hay Group. Minton D (2000) Teaching Skills in Further and Adult Education Rev Edn Thomson Petty G (1998) Teaching Today: A Practical Guide Nelson Thornes Petty G (2001) Teaching Today. Nelson Thornes Petty, G. 2004) Teaching Today 3rd Edition. Nelson Thornes Reece, I, Walker, S. , (1994) Teaching, Training and Learning. Sunderland. Business Education Publishers Limited Walkin S, Reece I. 5th Edition. Teacher Training and Learning Business Education Publishers Limited Websites www. smartcreen. co. uk www. cityandguilds. com/qtls David Kolbs learning styles model and experiential learning theory Available at [WWW] businessball s. com/kolblearningstyles. htm Viewed 2009 Curriculum Certification Authority. Assessment Strategies Available at [WWW] www. qca. gov. uk Viewed 2009
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