Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Analysis Of Jack London s The Call Of The Wild
Have people ever thought about writing style? Or about different literary movements? There are many different kinds of writing styles, along with many different literary movements. Authors choose the writing style they want, and whether or not to be in a movement. Jack London was one of these authors. He chose to be a part of the naturalism movement. Naturalism is a literary movement with the belief that humans and animals being shaped by their environment. He then chose to use indirect discourse in one of his most popular books The Call of the Wild. Free Indirect Discourse is when the reader knows the thoughts of the main character while having a third person view. Free indirect discourse can differ from direct discourse because it allows third and first person rather than just third person. The use of indirect discourse in Jack London’s work emphasizes the naturalist movement on humans’ industrialization. The environment that Jack London grew up in helped to shape his naturalistic writing style. Jack London grew up in San Francisco with his mother and step- father. He was raised by an ex-slave because his mother was sick. When he was a teenager he worked many jobs including sailing on a sealing ship, pirating for oysters, and many more. When he returned home at nineteen he returned to high school. This is where London discovered socialism or Social Darwinism, and was known as the â€Å"Boy Socialist of Oakland†around his neighborhood. He ran for mayor several times as theShow MoreRelatedA Analysis of Jack London Novels2925 Words  | 12 PagesA literary Analysis of Jack London three most recognized works, Sea Wolf; The Call of the Wild; and White Fang. Jack London lived a full life, even though he died at the young age of forty. In his life time he experienced many things, and I believe that these experiences were the catalyst of his novels. Jack London was an oyster pirate, a government patrolman in San Francisco Bay, a sailor and an agrarian reformer, a seal hunter in the North Pacific and a gold prospector in the frozenRead MoreSummary Of The Call Of The Wild By Jack London1908 Words  | 8 Pages Ms. Stone English 10 H 11 November 2016 Journal Entry #1: The Call Of The Wild, by Jack London 1. Section Summary A large dog, named Buck, lives on a big estate in the heart of Santa Clara Valley. While in the midst a famous gold rush in Klondike, Canada, many men need sled dogs to get around on the snow. Buck does not realize the great fear that he is in while living during this time. Manuel, a gardener on the estate that Buck lives on, gambles Buck to another man and loses. 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Similarities: She, along with her three sisters, was sent to the Clergy Daughters School at Cowan Bridge. Charlotte Bronte lost her mother when she was five years old, and was raised by her aunt. Jane rejected two offers of marriage, but took one later; Charlotte rejected four offers of marriage, but accepted one later as well. Bronte based Jane s physical features off her. They are bothRead More Destry Rides Again, Mr Smith Goes to Washington, and the Fall of the Hollywood Studio System3533 Words  | 15 PagesDestry Rides Again, Mr Smith Goes to Washington, and the Fall of the Hollywood Studio System Thomas Schatz cites the 1950’s as the inevitable end of the Hollywood film studio system, with the signs appearing as early as the height of the second World War (472). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Questions concerning criminal law Essay - 1639 Words
questions concerning criminal justice and safety Questions Concerning Criminal Justice and Safety i. What are the specific aims purposes of the criminal law? To what extent does the criminal law control behaviour? Do you believe that the law is too restrictive or not restrictive enough? The specific aims and purposes of criminal law is to punish criminals, and prevent people from becoming future criminals by using deterrence. â€Å"Having a criminal justice system that imposes liability and punishment for violations deter.†(Paul H. Robinson, John M. Darley, Does Criminal Law Deter? A Behavioural Science Investigation, Oxford Journal of Legal studies, volume 24, No. 2 (2004), pp. 173-205). Criminal law†¦show more content†¦When males are 20-25 years old, the highest category for committing a crime, they have no other ways to show females how manly they are other then fighting and committing crimes. I think the reason why older males don’t commit more crimes compared to the younger generation is because older folk have other ways to show their manliness like their job, how much money they have, or the kind of car that they drive. That being said crime has nothing to do with biology, but it comes down to men trying to show how powerful they are in an attempt to â€Å"woo†a female. Concerning the fact that males and females sharing the same environment but males being â€Å"more violent†, I think the reason is because males aren’t as protected as females are. During high school kids always hear about fathers or brothers who will protect their child or sibling from anyone that hurts them in any way. You never hear a sister or a mother saying that about their questions concerning criminal justice and safety son. (Introduction to Criminology, Lecture 3, September 23, 2013, Professor Jan Stanners.) So another factor about females being less aggressive is the fact that they are protected more and almost restricted from certain things because more people worry about girls then boys. Studies are also showing that women’s crime rates are increasing quite noticeably while males are slowly dropping. I think this is because since the 1950-80’s women’sShow MoreRelatedRational Choice, Deterrence, Incapacitation and Just Desert Essay1476 Words  | 6 PagesRational Choice, Deterrence, Incapacitation and Just Desert In seeking to answer the question, Why do people engage in deviant and/or criminal acts?, many researchers, as well as the general public, have begun to focus on the element of personal choice. An understanding of personal choice is commonly based in a conception of rationality or rational choice. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Base of social work Essay Example For Students
Base of social work Essay Practice methods that correspond to the levels of Practice are:1. Micro level of practice- direct practice/service delivered directly to clients (face to face and minimal administrative work. 2. Mezzo level of practice- indirect practice involving administration/leadership roles enabling effective delivery of services. Organizational and Public RelationsMonitoring for Improvement of Productivity3. Macro level of practice- involves the processes of Social Planning and Community OrganizationProfessional Change Agents who assist Comm. Action Systems composed of individuals, groups or Organizations deal with social problemsProgram planning and development, working with governmental agents and Comm. 4. Research- driving force behind rigorous advancement of knowledge1. People are capable of making their own change; they have free will2. Assist people maximize their potential and independence3. Change environmental influences that adversely impact clients 4. Increase understanding that behavior is purposive and goal directed and this is not readily discernible. 5. People are capable of learning new behaviors6. Most difficulties can be resolved by focusing on present choices and mobilizing their strengths7. Increasing peoples knowledge and learning new skills produces self growth in the process8. Utilize strategies that motivate people to implement changes in various types of systems9. Lifes crises represent opportunities for growth and mastery is a source of strain in life10. People need self-affirmation and self-esteem. Many conflicts are indirect expression of feelings of low self-esteem. 11. Human growth occurs in the context of relationships with other people12. We model for others open authentic relationship skills/behaviors13. Increase responsiveness to the needs of others14. Live in the reality of the present motivates people to exercise their potentialities more fully15. Means of assisting clients should safeguard dignity, self-esteem, self-determination and confidentiality16. Awareness of self is the first step to self-realization17. People right to their own values and belief systems are inviolate. It is social works responsibilities to assist clients to face these aspects of those beliefs that cause dysfunction in their lives. 3. Formulating multidimensional assessment of the problem, systems involved and resources available5. Mutually negotiating goals and formulating a contract-The participants combine their efforts in working towards the goals, consisting of discrete actions or tasks that are integral units of the overall goal-Practitioners has the respons ibility of selecting and implementing interventions that will assist clients in accomplishing their goals and task. -Interventions should directly relate to the problems and to the consequent goals that were negotiated and that were derived from accurate assessment. -Monitor improvement on regular basis-Use of self in process appropriately provides for clients a model of open an authentic relationship1. Assess when individuals and group goals have been attained and plan termination accordingly2. Effecting successful termination of the helping relationship3. Planning for maintenance of change and continued growth following termination 4. Evaluating the results of the help in process1. Developing and utilizing resources2. Affirming the worth and dignity of clients3. Affirming uniqueness and individuality4. Affirming problem-solving capacities and self-determination1. A Systems Framework for Assessing Groups- groups are social systems and thus evolve implicit rules or norms that govern behavi9ors, shape patterns, and regulate internal operations. As leaders observe groups to discern patterned behaviors, they must concurrently attend to behavior manifested by individuals and by the group itself. A major roles of leaders in growth groups, is to aid members to become aware of their patterned behavioral responses, to determine the impact of these responses on themselves and others and to choose whether to change such responses. Understand Content (verbal statements) and Process (the behaviors displayed by members during the group)Identify roles of group members because they can affect the groups capacity to respond to the individual needs of members and its ability to fulfill therapeutic objectives. Members tend to play-out in groups the same roles that they assume in other social contexts and need to understand the impact of dysfunctional roles on themselves and others. Identify the growth of individuals by keeping a record on each person to identify growth. Assessment must consider the cultural background of membersAssess cognitive patterns of the group members1. Preaffiliation-Approach and Avoidance Behavior displayed as tentative involvement, vacillating willingness to assume responsibility, interact with others, and to support program activities and events. 2. Power and Control-A Time of Transition into intimate system of relationships; whereby the new situation becomes understandable and predictable. They struggle at this stage concerned with how they rank in relation to other members. Conflicts between opposing subgroups often occur in this stage. Photosynthesis Essay Members tend to play-out in groups the same roles that they assume in other social contexts and need to understand the impact of dysfunctional roles on themselves and others. Identify the growth of individuals by keeping a record on each person to identify growth. Assessment must consider the cultural background of members Assess cognitive patterns of the group members 1. Preaffiliation-Approach and Avoidance Behavior displayed as tentative involvement, vacillating willingness to assume responsibility, interact with others, and to support program activities and events. 2. Power and Control-A Time of Transition into intimate system of relationships; whereby the new situation becomes understandable .
Monday, December 2, 2019
Is Thunderbolt the Real Deal
Thunderboltâ„ ¢ technology was developed by Intel ® in collaboration with Apple ® in order to transform the performance of PCs. The key features of Thunderboltâ„ ¢ technology include optical or electrical cables, daisy-chained devices, dual-channel 10Gbs per port and compatibility with prevailing Display Port devices.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Is Thunderbolt the Real Deal? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Other characteristics include the use of both PCI Express and Display Port protocols, low latency with high, accurate time synchronisation and power over cable for bus-powered devices. The technology is also bi-directional and implements local protocol software drivers (Shah 16). The performance and protocols available in Thunderboltâ„ ¢ technology provide designers with freedom and flexibility to come up with new computer products and configurations. Using Thunderboltâ„ ¢ technology allows designers to come up with the impartial performance expansion technologies that are typical in the desktops, possible using local device drivers that are joined by a single cable. Thunderboltâ„ ¢ technology also enables designers to come up with thinner and lighter laptops, as well as, miniature connectors that are ideal for use in mobile applications, without compromising on the input-output (I/O) performance. Another benefit of the Thunderboltâ„ ¢ technology is ease of incorporating adaptors that use existing PCI Express controllers to boost I/O performance (Frakes Dan 16). The close association between Intel and apple helped to forge a mode of storage that marks the beginning of an exciting era of peripheral connectivity. The Thunderboltâ„ ¢ technology storage devices provide an opportunity for manufacturers to continue in the process of providing both professionals and consumers with quality devices. The storage devices have transfer rates of up to 700MB while daisy-c hained between a PC and the screen. The storage devices allow for fast transfer rates to authors, video editors, IT administrators and graphic designers among other computer professionals and users (Wong 17). Another property of Thunderboltâ„ ¢ technology is its support for existing protocols. The technology allows for the simultaneous transmission of both data and display protocols through the integration of PCI Express and Display Port communication. This allows for the simplification of various tasks in both the home and office.Advertising Looking for essay on computer science? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The combination of two protocols in one cable has allowed designers to come up with compact laptops while using the least number of links between the gadgets. The technology allows users to connect to multiple devices including storage, displays, peripherals and audio/video devices among others. Thunderbolt technolo gy uses copper cables to boost its transfer speeds. The copper cables are flexible, durable, and make an easy fit into the Mini Display Port interface, which enhances their compatibility with various displays (Wong 17). Thunderbolt technology is a high-speed cable technology that provides two 10 GB/s bi-directional channels from one port in the connection between computers and electronic devices. The high speeds allow consumers and professionals to manage the increasing amounts of digital data that require processing. Such performance levels enhance various processes including content creation, IT administration, digital libraries and home storage. The technology allows administrators to back-up servers and editors to process numerous media files in remarkably little time. The technology also provides professionals and consumers of consistent transfer rates with low latency. This attribute is most beneficial to video editors since it means that they can work on high resolution, high -Definition tasks, without losing frames. â€Å"Sound designers also stand to benefit from low latency due to reduced phase distortion and enhanced accuracy in time synchronisation between audio and video†(Intel Corporation 2). Thunderbolt technology also allows for daisy-chaining of over five peripherals such as cameras, monitors and hard drives among others. The connection of one cable to one port provides a user with two channels of 10GB/s data transfer in either direction without compromising the bandwidth. The fast transfer rates are also provided for in the design of mobile devices using thunderbolt technology. The mobility and performance of these mobile devices are most useful to journalists since they can easily use them with other devices such as their laptops and cameras when reporting on secluded stories (Intel Corporation 2).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Is Thunderbolt the Real Deal? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/pa ge Learn More The excitement around Thunderbolt technology was first experienced with the release of Apple’s latest MacBook Pro Models. Technology enthusiasts showed immense interest with the choice made by Apple to make the technology its key feature of the devices. The appeal of Thunderbolt technology, previously referred to as Light Peak, is its ability to facilitate fast transfer of various media through simple connections between devices. The technology has provided designers with new, exciting ways to build and use PCs, providing both professionals and consumers with a real solution to simple and fast transfer of content between devices and PCs (Apple 5). Works Cited Apple. ‘Apple Announces New iMac With Next Generation Quad-Core Processors, Graphics Thunderbolt I/O Technology. Business Wire (English).’ Regional Business News. 2005. Web. Frakes, Dan, and Dan Moren. ‘Thunderbolt: What You Need To Know.’ Academic Search Premier. 2 005. Web. Intel, Corporation. ‘Intel Announces Thunderboltâ„ ¢ Technology: The Fastest Data Connection to Your PC Just Arrived.’ Business Wire (English) 2: Regional Business News. 2005. Web. Shah, Agam. ‘100 Thunderbolt Devices In 2012, Says Intel.’ Academic Search Premier. 2012. Web. Wong, Bill. ‘Thunderbolt And Light Peak Set Their Sights On Display And Data Connection.’ Electronic Design Apr. Academic Search Premier. 2011. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on computer science? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Is Thunderbolt the Real Deal? was written and submitted by user Sebastian Berg to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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